Sharing the highways with large trucks is intimidating. Truck accidents cause a disproportionate percentage of highway fatalities even though trucks and their drivers are subject to substantial regulations.
If you were hurt in a truck accident, get representation from an experienced personal injury attorney immediately. Trucking companies and their insurers act aggressively to limit their liability. A Baytown truck accident lawyer knows how to overcome their unfair tactics and obtain appropriate compensation for people who suffer injuries due to a company’s negligence.
Trucks are so large that they inherently pose a hazard to other vehicles and their occupants. Truck drivers and trucking companies must take special care to ensure that others are not harmed. If they fail to do so, and someone suffers injuries in an accident, they are negligent and therefore liable.
Truckers need substantial training to get a commercial driving license and they are usually highly skilled. But driving a truck is a difficult job and drivers often make mistakes. Other factors, such as a mechanical problem with the truck, faulty loading, and poor road conditions also could lead to accidents.
Trucks have huge blind spots on all four sides. Although mirrors and cameras can help a driver see vehicles in the blind spots, the driver must always pay close attention. Blind spot accidents are common and usually occur because a driver was distracted.
In addition, semi-trucks are cumbersome to handle, especially in poor weather. Many truck accidents result from truckers driving too fast for conditions. Driver fatigue is another frequent cause of truck crashes.
Tire blowouts, brake failure, and steering problems often lead to crashes. The manufacturer could be liable if there is evidence a defective component contributed to a crash. If inadequate maintenance led to the issue, the truck’s owner could be liable.
Multiple factors contribute to trucking accidents in many cases. The company that loaded the truck might be liable if load shift or overloading was an issue. If poor road maintenance contributed to the wreck, the local government might be subject to a lawsuit. A Baytown attorney could conduct a thorough investigation to identify all the parties who could have responsibility for the truck crash.
Truck accident cases are typically far more complicated than other claims arising out of vehicle wrecks. One reason is that commercial trucks are subject to federal laws, unlike most other vehicles. A Baytown 18-wheeler accident attorney must understand the regulatory scheme that applies to the industry in order to make the strongest case for compensation.
For example, truckers must adhere to strict working hours rules that require them to take periodic rest periods and limit the number of hours they drive per day and per week. An attorney familiar with the rules could subpoena a trucker’s log and the truck’s black box to confirm if the driver complied with the regulations.
Similarly, trucking companies have legal obligations they must meet. A legal professional could look for evidence that the company hired a driver with poor training or a spotty record, failed to properly maintain its vehicle, or imposed an unreasonable delivery schedule. Such evidence could be proof of trucking company negligence.
The statute of limitations for lawsuits seeking damages for personal injuries is two years from the date of the accident. Limited exceptions apply, so it is always worthwhile to consult an attorney to learn whether a lawsuit is viable. In most cases, however, a party who does not bring a lawsuit within two years of the accident loses their right to sue.
Sometimes a local government is a defendant in a truck accident case if it owned the truck or employed the driver, or if poor road maintenance contributed to the accident. When suing a local government, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 101.101 requires the person pursuing the claim to give notice to the government within six months of the incident, or lose the right to sue.
Consulting a Baytown lawyer soon after a truck accident is the best course. Doing so ensures the injured person does not miss any critical legal deadlines. In addition, a prompt investigation by the injured person’s attorney often leads to a more robust case and a better settlement.
Tractor-trailer crashes often get complicated so you need an attorney who knows the industry and the law. The insurance companies who write commercial policies for trucks negotiate aggressively to keep payouts low, so a legal professional must be willing to fight to secure a reasonable settlement.
A Baytown truck accident lawyer understands how to successfully represent victims of negligent truckers and trucking companies. Speak with a capable attorney today.
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