Just like any job, maritime workers could suffer injuries on the job every day. However, working in the maritime industry comes with its own set of risks and potential complications. Because of this, workers who are injured offshore or working in the maritime industry are protected under maritime law.
Although there are laws in place to protect maritime workers who are injured at work, maritime law is complicated. It is crucial to seek the representation of a Baytown maritime injury lawyer. Obtaining compensation can involve complex legal issues governed by one several federal maritime laws. Our responsive personal injury attorneys are here to help you navigate the sometimes-complicated process, and discuss your legal rights and potential remedies.
The Jones Act is a federal law that governs many workers in the maritime industry. Apart from protecting American shipping interests and maintaining the merchant marine, it provides legal protection to injured maritime workers who are hurt during the scope of their employment.
Unlike ordinary workers’ compensation laws, injured seamen can sue their employer for injuries due to negligence. The Jones Act applies to lawsuits against maritime employers when the injury was caused by the negligence of the shipowner, crew, or the employer. Only seamen are protected under this law, meaning that the worker is employed on a vessel that operates in navigable waters, contributes to the function or mission of the vessel, and has a connection to the vessel.
Some examples of negligence that could give rise to one of these claims include:
Anyone in Baytown who was hurt due to negligence aboard their vessel should reach out to a maritime injury lawyer at their earliest convenience.
After a maritime accident, injured workers can recover a variety of damages under federal law, including:
The Jones Act – and the similar Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act for workers on or nearer to shore – provides injured maritime workers with important protections, ensuring that seamen are compensated for their injuries and incentivizing employers to keep vessels safe and provide proper training for employees. A Baytown maritime accident attorney understands how these laws work and could help someone get the benefits they need.
The inherent nature of maritime work is dangerous, with seamen facing dangerous conditions on the water and working long hours away at sea. Injured maritime workers are entitled to compensation for injuries due to negligence aboard their vessel. It is crucial for employers to adhere to safety protocol and for workers to follow their training to avoid maritime accidents.
Suffering an injury while working in the maritime industry can mean more than just physical pain. You might be concerned with how to cover the cost of medical care and losing income while you are recovering. Affording your care and other expenses should be the least of your concerns. A Baytown maritime injury lawyer will work with you to pursue damages under federal law.
When you are injured in a maritime accident due to the negligence of your employer, the shipowner, or another crew member, please contact us and set up a free consultation.
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