Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Baytown Oil Rig Accident Lawyer

Our state economy relies heavily on oil and gas fields, making it one of the largest employment industries in the state. However, oil and gas workers are exposed to dangerous conditions daily, and accidents can occur anytime.

When you are injured as an oil field worker due to your employer’s negligence or the actions of a third party, you can recover compensation for the harm suffered. Speak with a Baytown oil rig accident lawyer about your options.

Since employers in Texas are not obligated to provide workers’ compensation benefits, many workers are left to foot the bill for on the job injuries. A third-party claim against your employer or other negligent parties – or a Jones Act claim – could reimburse you for your medical expenses, lost income, and other damages related to the accident. A dedicated maritime attorney could review the circumstances of your injury to determine if you have a viable case.

Types of Oil Rig Accidents

Oil field workers face a number of dangers on the job. Even when all the proper precautions are taken, employees can be injured through no fault of their own. Some common types of oil rig accidents include:

  • Slip and falls
  • Fires or explosions
  • Gas leaks
  • Equipment malfunctions
  • Accidents with machinery
  • Negligent training
  • Inadequate safety measures
  • Exposure to chemicals or other harmful substances

When an offshore platform accident occurs, there is usually more than one party responsible. Depending on the cause, the oilfield or property owner, manufacturer, contractors, subcontractors, or their employees could bear liability.

Whether someone is involved in an oil rig accident caused by their employer’s negligence, defective equipment, or another third party, a Baytown lawyer could work to determine the best avenue for compensation.

Steps to Take After an Oil Rig Accident

Actions taken in the aftermath of an offshore injury incident can make all the difference. Knowing the right steps when hurt at work is imperative for those in the oil and gas industry. Incidents may be covered under the Jones Act, while certain situations might allow a worker to file suit directly against their employer:

  • Provide notice to employer: Failure to report an accident to an employer can limit the opportunity to receive fair compensation and could have other adverse consequences.
  • Seek immediate medical attention: While it is tempting to ignore seemingly minor injuries, complications can develop without treatment, and it is important to document the harm to prove damages.
  • Consult an oil rig accident attorney: Most insurance companies will try to limit potential compensation, but an experienced injury attorney could handle negotiations on a client’s behalf.

Taking these steps following an oil rig accident will preserve a person’s right to compensation. When someone is hurt through a slip and fall, product malfunction, explosion, or similar event, they need a Baytown offshore platform accident lawyer in their corner.

Get in Touch With A Baytown Oil Rig Accident Attorney Today

When you or a loved one is injured while working on an offshore platform, you have legal rights. A Baytown oil rig accident lawyer could evaluate your case, hold negligent parties accountable, and handle negotiations with insurance adjusters to get you the compensation you deserve.

Oil rig accident cases require knowledge of the equipment, terminology, process, and business dynamics. With years of experience representing injured oil rig workers, you can trust that you are in good hands. Our dedicated attorneys are prepared to address any legal hurdles that arise, so schedule a free and confidential consultation today.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
608 Rollingbrook Dr,
Suite C,

Baytown, TX 77521
(832) 572-3532
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