Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Baytown Jones Act Lawyer

Baytown has a substantial number of sea workers in residence, and anyone who lives here knows how crucial maritime shipping and transportation are to the local and state economies. Industrial and commercial work on the water can be dangerous and even deadly if you end up in a severe accident. Unlike workers on land, you have special rights under federal law for seeking compensation for your losses.

The Jones Act works similarly to traditional workers’ comp in some ways and differently in others. Understanding how those differences might affect your pursuit of compensation can be difficult without guidance from an experienced maritime injury attorney. Fortunately, you have help available from a Baytown Jones Act lawyer with an excellent case result track record.

Who and What Does the Jones Act Cover?

First established as part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, the Jones Act is a piece of federal legislation that allows people injured while working at sea to seek financial restitution from their employers for specific losses caused by their accident. More specifically, it covers workers who spend at least 30 percent of their time on the job onboard a vessel in navigation (in active commercial operation and not drydocked).

An injured maritime worker can seek various benefits through a successful Jones Act claim, including:

  • Reimbursement for the costs of reasonably necessary medical treatment to help get the injured worker back into working condition
  • Lost work wages and benefits while recovering from injuries
  • Lost long-term earning capacity due to permanent training, plus vocational training costs if applicable
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional and psychological trauma

In rare situations where an accident stems from an employer’s egregious negligence or malicious misconduct, it may also be possible to demand additional punitive damages. A Baytown attorney could explain the Jones Act claim in more detail.

Basic Steps in the Jones Act Claim Process

Unlike a workers’ comp claim, which is typically handled through insurance companies and rarely requires a court’s involvement, a Jones Act claim is a lawsuit filed in federal court against the employer. For the worker to have valid grounds for a claim, they must be able to show that their employer or another individual employed by that company was directly responsible for causing their accident through reckless or careless misconduct.

While settling Jones Act cases outside of court is possible, it will still be necessary to formally serve a lawsuit upon the defendant employer, go through initial court proceedings, and potentially complete multiple rounds of negotiations. This can be extremely difficult for an injured sea worker to handle on their own, so it is vital to have help from a knowledgeable Jones Act lawyer in Baytown.

Contact a Baytown Jones Act Attorney Today

No matter what type of job you do or what body of water you work on, you have a federally guaranteed right to seek financial compensation any time you get hurt due to someone else’s misconduct. However, enforcing that right and getting paid what you deserve can be far from simple, especially if you try to do it without capable legal representation on your side.

A Baytown Jones Act lawyer can explore your options and offer guidance about potential next steps during a confidential consultation. Call today to schedule yours.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
608 Rollingbrook Dr,
Suite C,

Baytown , TX 77521
(832) 572-3532
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