Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Houston Side-Impact Accident Lawyer

Intersections can be a dangerous place if drivers are not paying attention or following the rules of the road. It is no surprise that many crashes occur around traffic lights and stop signs. A Houston side-impact accident lawyer could provide legal guidance if you were injured and need to file for damages. Schechter Shaffer & Harris has years of experience and our skilled car accident attorneys are committed to helping you.

T-Bone Crashes in Houston

A side-impact collision occurs when the side of one vehicle is hit by the front of another vehicle. This is often called a “T-bone” because the cars resemble a “T” at impact. One common T-bone scenario is an intersection collision, where one car is entering the intersection just as another vehicle is crossing from the side. The other common scenario is when there is a lane change and the side of one vehicle scrapes against the side of another vehicle.

The injuries that Houston lawyers often seen in T-bone crashes are head injuries from when the head hits the window, shoulder injuries from hitting the door, or bruising from the restraint of the seatbelt. If a person is not wearing their seatbelt, the damage can be catastrophic and might even result in a wrongful death.

Steps to Take After Being Struck by a Car

Numerous studies have shown that the impact on a body in a side-impact crash is not as significant as the impact from a front-end crash or a rear-end collision. However, this does not mean that injuries will always be minor – in fact, the lack of material separating a person’s side from the outdoors (as opposed to the hood or trunk of the car) means that people are particularly vulnerable in a direct hit. It is important that the driver gets to the doctor quickly, so that there is a proper documentation of what occurred. Beyond just checking for neck and back pain and prescribing certain medication, a doctor conducts a full orthopedic exam and tests all their reflexes to identify any problems.

Assembling a Case for Damages

It is beneficial to have an attorney to help prove a plaintiff’s injuries, because the insurance company always questions if the injury truly occurred or if it was as serious as described. Just like in any case, the attorney can assist by bringing in exhibits that explain a person’s injuries through illustrations, and potentially getting a Life Care Plan, which would sets out what medical care a person will need into the future. They may need to get an economist to document their loss of earning capacity. There are many factors that a Houston lawyer could use to put together the damage model of a side-impact crash and make a claim for compensation.

A person injured in a vehicle crash can file for the typical personal injury damages, which include mental anguish, pain and suffering, relevant medical bills, loss of earning capacity, scarring, and incapacity. These can cover the person’s losses in the days after the accident, as well as well into the future.

Learn More from a Houston Side-Impact Accident Attorney

Getting T-boned can cause significant damage to your car but it can also put your life at risk. For any losses you suffered, you deserve to be compensated. Fill out a contact form and discuss your situation with a Houston side-impact accident lawyer as soon as possible.

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Houston, TX 77006
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(713) 364-0723