As novice drivers, teenagers are prone to be involved in a crash more than many other groups of people. While sometimes they may be liable, there are also occasions when the insurance company or a trial jury use the teen’s inexperience to pin blame on them. A dedicated car accident attorney could push back on that idea and help you get the compensation you need. Work with a Houston teen driver accident lawyer to file a personal injury claim.
A teenager in Texas is eligible to start driving at 16 years old but they can get a driver’s permit to practice driving with an adult at age 15. Driving students need around 40 documented hours of practice driving, as well as written course training that lasts around 15 hours.
When they turn 16, if they have had the requisite number of driving hours and have taken the require driving course, then they can take the written test and road test to get their driver’s license. In Texas, a student has to pass both the written and on-the-road tests by at least 70 percent.
The only exception to get their license earlier would be if they need a hardship license. This license is limited to going to and from school for someone whose parents are divorced or unavailable for another reason to provide transportation.
Anyone under the age of 18 is considered to be a novice driver, and they are not supposed to have more than one person in the car with them, other than family, until they are 18. When the negligent driver in a Houston accident is under 18, they will need to be legally represented by a guardian until they turn 18.
Some of the patterns associated with teenage or novice drivers are speeding, staying too close to the center line, and running through a yellow light instead of stopping. They are also still learning the dimensions of their vehicle, so they are more likely to hit a person or object while attempting to park into a tight, confined space.
A teenager’s brain is not fully developed in terms of appreciating risk. They are prone to think they are going to live forever and do not appreciate that many people can die when involved in a terrible motor vehicle accident. They are more likely to be involved in a motor vehicle accident because they have limited experience and are often willing to push the limits and be reckless. If a teen driver in Houston is involved in a crash, they need to make sure no liability can be placed on them.
Parents should let their children know that if they get in an accident then they should exchange information, and be respectful to the other party and to the police. They should also cooperate in any investigation into how the accident occurred.
Parents should let their children know that the more reaction time they have, the more time there is to avoid an accident. In other words, the further back they are from the vehicle in front of them, the more time they have to react if that vehicle stops suddenly. It is important for teens to avoid tailgating or else risk a rear-end car crash.
Anytime someone is hiring a lawyer, it is important to look at their qualifications, including if they are board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. It is important to ask a lawyer if they have had grievances filed against them or been sued for malpractice, and look up their results. You should also see if a lawyer has gone to court and obtained the kind of results they are asking them to handle. Case results are usually published on their website.
Schedule a free consultation with a Houston teen driver accident lawyer if you or your child was involved in a collision that produced injuries.
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