One of the more confusing aspects of driving on public roads is the concept of right-of-way. While many people understand the yielding rules at traffic lights, there are other situations where it is not as clear-cut. This can often lead to serious motor vehicle crashes. We recommend contacting a Houston failure-to-yield accident lawyer to represent you as you file a claim for damages.
A failure to yield refers to a driver getting in a lane at a time where they do not have the right of way. The two most prominent situations that can cause accidents are failing to yield the right of way while leaving a stop sign and failing to yield the right of way when leaving a parking lot.
The right of way exists when the driver does not have anything telling them to stop, such as a stop sign or a stoplight. They have the right to move forward on the road before someone else in another lane. Regardless of whether or not they have the stop sign, drivers have to yield the right of way to the people on the public road coming from a private drive.
In many failure-to-yield cases, there will be a dispute as to what actually happened. While one driver pulls out from a stop sign, the other driver may say they were stopped at a stop sign as well and pulled out when they were supposed to. It is important to have a Houston lawyer provide legal assistance after an accident involving a failure to yield.
Insurance companies will look for a way to dispute that their insured is at fault. If the fault is obvious and they know that they will need to provide damages, they will look for reasons to minimize the amount. For example, the insurance adjustor might claim that the plaintiff already had a degenerated spine that was not the result of the accident.
It is always helpful to have a team of people working on a specific case rather than just one person. Many solo practitioners try to do everything by themselves, which includes running the office, marketing, managing employees, working on their cases, dispersing settlements, preparing for trials, and they can get overwhelmed.
When someone hires Schechter Shaffer & Harris, they have a full team of people working on their case. Injured motorists who work with our firm will get a case manager and a supervising attorney. It is always helpful to go out and take photographs of the scene. A Houston right-of-way accident attorney might hire an investigator to photograph the scene which may show a yield sign as one driver enters the freeway, or may show that one driver has a stop sign but the other did not.
There are medical illustrators who help show the extent of injury because it can be helpful for a jury to visualize the damage. We also have a whole team of doctors we work with regularly throughout the state of Texas that we can send an injured person to if they do not have their own physician.
If there is a dispute over who had the right of way when a crash occurred, getting damages for your injuries may be more difficult than you initially thought. A Houston failure to yield accident lawyer could assist you in fighting for your rights. Call us today to learn more and get a legal professional working for you.
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