One of the most common – but deadly – types of crashes is the head-on collision. Car accident attorneys see many of these cases, which produce major bodily injuries and can be complicated from a liability standpoint. For experienced legal help, you should work with a Houston head-on accident lawyer who could represent you in settlement talks and take a case to court, if necessary.
A head-on collision happens when two cars make impact with the front of their vehicles. Head-on collisions typically occur on a multiple-lane road where each of the vehicles is going in opposite directions, and one of the drivers gets distracted and veers into the oncoming lane.
It is common for head-on collisions to lead to catastrophic, and many times deadly, injuries like brain injuries, brain bleeds, broken bones, and internal hemorrhaging. This is because the accident often happens while the vehicles are traveling at high speeds and they are not in the process of braking for an intersection or stop sign.
Head-on collisions are similar to other accident claims, in that it needs to be proven that one of the drivers did something they should not have done and ended up in the other driver’s lane. That reason might be that they were distracted, fell asleep, drank too much, or something else. This establishes liability for what happened.
To get punitive damages for a head-on crash, a lawyer in Houston will have to show the other driver had a conscious indifference to the safety of others. This means they were aware of their reckless behavior and did nothing to temper it. A clear example of this is someone who drank enough alcohol to be legally intoxicated and then got behind the wheel.
Head-on collisions happen as a result of negligence, failing to do what an ordinary driver would do in that situation. But they also happen from punitive acts, which are by their nature somewhat intentional, such as deciding to drink or do drugs and then get behind the wheel.
It is important to call a lawyer after an accident even if it is unclear who will be assigned fault. There have been cases where a driver was momentarily distracted and veers into the other lane, crashing into another car, but does not have enough insurance coverage to pay for the losses. However, a Houston front-end collision lawyer could examine the facts of the case and potentially identify other sources of compensation, such as the manufacturer of the car if they did not issue a warning or a recall. If the accident was caused by a trucker, it is possible that their employer holds some level of vicarious responsibility. A lawyer could analyze the entire case to look for new facts or important evidence that puts the plaintiff in a good legal position.
You have the right to file a claim for damages when you endure harm because of someone else’s negligence. If that person was a motorist who was negligent or reckless, contact our law firm today. Our Houston head-on accident lawyer is available to talk over your options and plan a viable pursuit of justice.
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