Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Pasadena Defective Products Lawyer

Whether it came directly from a brick-or-mortar store or through an online retailer, any product you buy from any manufacturing company should be reasonably safe so long as you use it as directed and for its intended purpose. Unfortunately, not every product meets this extremely basic safety standard. There are hundreds of product recalls—as well as many serious and life-altering injuries—every year to prove it.

You deserve fair financial compensation after being injured by an unreasonably dangerous consumer product, but obtaining that compensation can be difficult without representation from a seasoned personal injury attorney. Fortunately, you have help available from a dedicated Pasadena defective products lawyer with the experience necessary to fight for your compensatory damages.

What Defects Can Justify a Product Liability Lawsuit?

There are three ways a consumer product can be defective to the extent that the manufacturer would hold “strict liability” for the injury. This means, in other words, liability that does not require them to have acted irresponsibly in a specific way. A Pasadena defective products attorney could help build a strong civil claim around any of the following actionable defects.

Design Defects

A design defect is a fundamental problem in how a product is formulated that makes every unit of it dangerous. It is worth noting that lawsuits built around design defects also must establish that an alternative design was available that would not have been prohibitively expensive or inconvenient for the manufacturer and would have preserved most (or all) of the product’s functionality.

Manufacturing Defects

Manufacturing defects are errors made during the production or assembly of a product that make a single unit or batch unreasonably unsafe. These can range from electrical faults to poor welding or soldering, to even something as simple as a screw not being tightened enough.

Marketing Defects or Failure to Warn

A marketing defect refers to a product’s manufacturer not providing sufficient instructions on that product’s packaging or marketing so consumers know how to use it safely and are aware of potential hazards associated with normal use. This is often called a “failure to warn.” A person in La Porte or Galena Park should consult a lawyer to discuss how the product manufacturer might have been liable for an injury.

Filing Deadlines for Defective Products Claims

As with most other personal injury claims, people injured by defective products in Texas are subject to a statute of limitations which generally gives them two years after initially getting hurt to file litigation over an injury. However, there is another important deadline specifically for defective products cases that is set by something called the “statute of repose.”

This deadline typically gives people hurt by dangerous products 15 years after initially purchasing the product to file suit over their injury. This is the deadline regardless of when that injury occurred during that 15-year period. As a product liability lawyer in Pasadena could explain, this means it is not always possible to file a suit over a defect in an older product even if it is one of the three types of actionable defects listed above.

Call Us and Learn How a Pasadena Defective Products Attorney Could Help

These deadlines, and other possible roadblocks to civil recovery, do not mean it is impossible to get paid fairly for injuries caused by a defective product. It does mean, though, that having help from an experienced legal professional is important to achieving a favorable case result.

Speaking with a Pasadena defective products lawyer could give you answers to important questions and confidence about your next steps. Schedule a consultation by calling Schechter, Shaffer & Harris today.

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Rd #211

Pasadena, TX 77504
(832) 345-1327
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