While nearly every prescription and over-the-counter medication sold in the United States has at least a few side effects, most of those effects are not especially harmful or dangerous. More importantly, the companies that make and sell these products are supposed to inform both doctors and consumers about every known side effect each of their products has. Any company that fails to do so could be civilly liable for injuries caused by an undisclosed or untested side effect.
Civil litigation over “dangerous drugs” can be difficult even by the usual standards of civil lawsuits. That makes it even more important to work closely with a skilled personal injury attorney. In addition to collecting important evidence and incorporating it into a comprehensive claim, your Pasadena dangerous drugs lawyer could assist you with demanding fair financial compensation. You should not bear the financial consequences of the medical injuries you sustained.
One important thing to understand before trying to file suit over drug-related injuries is that pharmaceutical companies are not automatically liable for every injury suffered by any user of their products. In fact, these types of manufacturers tend to be given more leeway under “product liability” law than others. Courts have consistently supported the notion that drug manufacturers play an especially vital role in modern society and should not be discouraged from experimentation and development.
However, drug manufacturers still have a legal obligation to test their products thoroughly prior to releasing them for public sale. They also must disclose to doctors and patients every side effect their products may have and every unwanted interaction it could have with another medication. “Failure to warn” of side effects or contraindications (the potential for a drug to have a negative effect on a certain person) is a common element that a dangerous drug lawyer can build a lawsuit around in Pasadena and South Houston.
All the same damages that could be incorporated into a standard injury claim can also be recoverable through dangerous drug litigation in Deer Park. This means a comprehensive lawsuit or settlement demand over a dangerous drug can account for objective financial harm like medical bills and lost work income, as well as subjective losses like physical pain, psychological distress, and lost enjoyment of life.
However, since pharmaceutical companies typically have huge amounts of money to devote towards their own legal defense, it is extremely difficult for a single injured person to get paid fairly through a traditional lawsuit. Fortunately, a defective drugs lawyer in Pasadena can often help people join lawsuits called “mass torts.” This essentially involves multiple people with the same cause of action combining evidence and legal resources in order to collectively pursue compensation from a single defendant.
Dangerous and defective consumer medications can cause long-lasting and sometimes life-threatening physical harm, often to people who are already dealing with other severe medical conditions. Any pharmaceutical entity that negligently or knowingly puts a dangerous product onto the market can, and should, be held liable for their misconduct. This can be accomplished with help from the legal counsel at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris.
Representation from a Pasadena dangerous drug lawyer could make all the difference in how your case turns out. Call us today to learn more.
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