Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Settlements in a Home Depot Work Injury Claim in Houston

When you accepted a position with Home Depot, you likely expected this arrangement would involve little more than working your shifts and earning a living. Instead, you have been injured on the job due to a dangerous hazard or act of negligence. Home Depot has opted out of the Texas workers’ compensation system, meaning you have the opportunity to file a Home Depot lawsuit against the company. Let our work injury attorneys answer questions about settlements in a Home Depot work injury claim in Houston.

The Ability to Sue Home Depot

Like all states, Texas has adopted a workers’ compensation insurance system. This state stands out from the others, however, in that Texas allows businesses to opt out of this system entirely. These companies, known as non-subscribers, do not have to purchase insurance but are directly liable for negligence claims from employees.

Home Depot is a non-subscriber, which means employees can sue the company for work-related injuries. A successful claim requires evidence of negligence. A dedicated attorney could build a strong case for negligence after conducting an investigation into the accident. This could result in a Houston Home Depot work injury settlement.

Types of Damages Available in a Settlement

With the presence of lumber and other heavy construction materials, the risk of injury in a Home Depot is greater than many other retailers. From crush injuries to falls, workers are at a serious risk of injury any time the company fails to take reasonable steps to protect them.

The good news is that there are legal options for holding the company accountable. A civil suit could even provide types of damages that are not offered through the workers’ compensation claim process. The following damages could be included in a Houston Home depot work injury settlement.

Medical Bills

The cost of medical care is a top concern for most people injured on the job. These bills can begin to pile up right away, starting with the cost of ambulance transportation or emergency room visits. Serious injuries can require ongoing care that includes hospitalization, surgeries, or physical therapy. A worker could be entitled to recover past and future medical bills related to a work accident.

Lost Wages

There are few things more frustrating than missing work due to an employment-related injury. In some cases, getting hurt on the job can cost a person their only source of income, which will have a dramatic impact on a family budget, especially when medical bills are piling up. It may be possible to recoup past and future lost wages.

Pain and Suffering

One of the major benefits of pursuing a non-subscriber claim compared to workers’ compensation benefits is that pain and suffering compensation is available. While a person’s pain is subjective, it is still possible to secure a monetary award based on their suffering. These claims often require testimony about how a worker’s quality of life has been impacted due to the ongoing pain.

Discuss Settlements in Houston Home Depot Work Injury Claims

If you have been hurt on the job, you may be entitled to sue your employer through a non-subscriber claim. With the help of a personal injury attorney, you could recover the damages you deserve. Call right away to talk about settlements in a Home Depot work injury claim in Houston.

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