Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Potential Injuries Working at Home Depot in Houston

Home Depot is a large retailer, but working for this company comes with some additional risks that are not present with every big box store. Heavy equipment is present, and the goods sold here are often large enough to lead to serious harm.

If you have questions about the potential injuries from working at Home Depot in Houston, now is the time to ask. You might be entitled to a monetary award if you were hurt on the job. Let a seasoned worker accident attorney help you understand what your case might be worth.

How Home Depot Workers Get Injured

The potential injuries for Home Depot employees in Houston generally vary depending on the type of work they perform.

Retail Workers

There are many hazards within a large retail store, and the employees are not immune to them. One of the most common incidents involves slipping and falling, which can lead to bone fractures and even traumatic brain injuries. Lifting or moving heavy merchandise may also lead to soft tissue damage in the shoulders or arms.

Office Staff

Although the risk of an acute injury is lower for management or office workers, they are not free from potentially being harmed on the job. One of the most common issues faced by these individuals is repetitive stress injuries. Anything from typing to performing menial tasks can lead to strain and overexertion on a specific muscle or joint.

Other workers might experience eye strain if they spend hours in front of a computer each day. These people may also face problems with carpal tunnel syndrome or neck soreness.

Delivery Drivers

Delivery drivers face a number of significant injury risks. Chief among them is the potential for an accident while on the road. Commercial drivers are frequently hurt in collisions with other vehicles, and suffer fractures and strains when loading and unloading heavy equipment.

Financial Compensation May Be Available

When a person is hurt while on the clock at Home Depot, they might have more than one option for seeking financial damages. Some may assume that their only option for a monetary award is through the workers’ compensation system, but that is not always the case.

The state workers’ compensation system provides injured employees with payouts in short order after an injury on the job. This is true even in cases where the worker was at fault. The downside to this approach is that only certain losses—primarily medical expenses and lost wages—are covered. These claims will not pay for an individual’s pain and suffering.

A negligence lawsuit might also be an option. Enrollment in the workers’ compensation program is not mandatory for companies in Texas, and those who opt-out are known as non-subscribers. It is possible to pursue legal action against these business entities if there is evidence of negligence, recklessness, or intentional bad acts.

It may also be possible to file a traditional personal injury suit against a third party. Some examples could include customers, contractors, or any other individual who was not employed by Home Depot at the time of the injury.

Talk to a Houston Attorney About Potential Injuries While Working at Home Depot

If you are potentially dealing with injuries while working at Home Depot in Houston, you might have a viable case for compensation. The right attorney could make all the difference when pursuing a negligence-based lawsuit. Call today to learn more from Schechter, Shaffer & Harris.

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