Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Evidence in a Home Depot Work Injury Claim in Houston

Home Deport is one of many major employers which takes advantage of the Lone Star State’s unique “non-subscriber” laws, which allow companies to refrain from buying workers’ compensation insurance through the state-run workers’ comp system. As a result, you can actually sue Home Depot directly in many situations if you get hurt on the job while working for this company.  However, as any experienced workplace injury lawyer will tell you, doing that successfully is often much easier said than done.

Just like virtually every other type of legal matter, evidence—how much you have, where it comes from, and how effectively you can present it in order to support your side of the case—is what determines how a lawsuit will end for everyone involved. With that in mind, here are some examples of evidence in a Home Depot work injury claim in Houston that can help if you want to get the compensation you are asking for.

Employment Records and Timesheets

It may seem obvious to the layperson, but when someone is filing suit over a workplace injury in Texas, courts will not just take it for granted that the plaintiff is who they say they are. Because of that, it is vital to have as much documentary evidence as possible when filing a Home Depot work injury claim in Houston showing that the injured plaintiff does or did work for Home Depot, and that they were on shift and on company property—or otherwise performing work-related tasks—when their accident occurred.

Medical Records

Likewise, medical records will be crucial to establishing when the work injury happened, how bad it is, what treatments the plaintiff received, and what effects their doctors believe the injury will have in the long term. Without this, Home Depot’s legal and insurance representatives will have an easier time arguing that the injury is not actually that bad and that compensation is not needed.

Surveillance Footage and Witness Testimony

Unlike with workers’ comp claims, employers facing non-subscriber lawsuits in Texas do not automatically assume liability for certain losses stemming from injuries their workers suffer on the job. Because of that, any eyewitness testimony—and especially video camera footage—the plaintiff can produce to show that they were hurt specifically because of Home Depot’s negligence can be crucial evidence to factor into their claim.

Photos and Videos

Finally, it can be very helpful to take pictures of the area where a work injury occurred inside a Home Depot, as that can help frame the incident in the minds of insurance adjusters and civil court authorities. Photos of injuries at various stages of the healing process can also be helpful for many of the same reasons, as well as with demanding compensation for non-economic effects of the accident such as physical pain and psychological trauma.

Learn How a Houston Attorney Can Help Gather Evidence for a Home Depot Work Injury Claim

Even if you have all the evidence in the world to support your claim for compensation against your negligent employer, it may not do you any good if you do not have the necessary legal knowledge to make effective use of it. The civil litigation process is far more complicated than many people expect it to be, and guidance from a personal injury attorney is vital to getting the best possible outcome.

If you have further questions about evidence in a Home Depot work injury claim in Houston, we can answer them during a confidential consultation. Schedule yours by calling today.

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