No one goes to work at HEB expecting to get hurt on the job. You plan on putting in the hours and the effort in exchange for a well-earned paycheck. Unfortunately, some people find out how dangerous the work environment can be. If you have been hurt at work as an HEB employee, getting the compensation you deserve may require legal action.
You can hold your employer accountable, but only by developing strong evidence in an HEB work injury claim in Houston. A dedicated work injury lawyer can review the facts and advise you of your legal options. You might be entitled to sue your employer instead of relying on workers’ compensation benefits.
There are many different ways an HEB employee could suffer a work injury. The evidence available in these cases will largely depend on the nature of that accident. The injuries that happen in a large grocery store, or a local warehouse, can differ dramatically from other workplaces.
One of the most common causes of injuries in a retail store is a slip, trip, or fall. No matter the type of work an employee performs, there is always the potential of falling and suffering an injury on the premises, from spilled liquids to weather-related slips inside or outside. Security camera footage and witness testimony could help identify the hazard that led to the injury.
Each store location offers a wide range of goods, many of which are stored high on shelves. Unloading items from high shelves can be dangerous, as anything that falls and strikes a worker can lead to broken bones or a TBI. A person using a ladder to unload goods from a shelf could also sustain a secondary injury if they are knocked to the ground. Failure to follow safe shelving protocols could be submitted as evidence in a claim.
Not all work injuries occur within the walls of an HEB store. The company has drivers who face the constant risk of serious injury in a collision. Developing evidence for a HEB work injury claim in Houston is very different when it comes to a vehicle accident. There might be traffic or dashboard camera footage of the crash, and nearby witnesses may be able to testify as to what happened. Accident reconstruction experts can also diagram how the collision occurred.
Although many workers may be limited in pursuing a workers’ compensation case, employees working for non-subscriber companies may have more legal options than they realize. A thorough investigation of the accident might provide insight into who was involved, and who could be held liable.
Employers that opt out of the workers’ compensation system can be faced with a personal injury lawsuit. The same is true of third parties who injury an HEB employee while on the job. This can happen when a third party—like a vendor—causes a slip and fall hazard in the store. A motorist that strikes a company truck could also be on the hook for any injuries to the workers riding in it.
If you are considering legal action after being hurt on the job, you deserve an attorney who will fight for your rights. Evidence in a HEB work injury claim in Houston can be difficult to find on your own, but a skilled attorney could secure the outcome you deserve. Call us now for a free consult.
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