When you work for a large company like Macy’s, which has many different stores around Texas and throughout the country, you have certain expectations. You should receive a fair salary, decent hours, and reasonably safe working conditions. Unfortunately, workplace injuries still occur every day, even in established workplaces.
While you might expect that you can collect traditional workers’ comp benefits after suffering an on-the-job injury, Macy’s workers’ compensation claims in Houston are different because the company is a non-subscriber. An experienced work accident attorney could explain the process, advise you of your rights, and help you collect what you deserve.
Because Macy’s is such a large employer, they offer many kinds of jobs that can present various types of injury risks. Office workers could suffer repetitive use injuries from typing. Warehouse workers could injure their backs lifting heavy items, or suffer injuries from falling from ladders while stocking shelves or moving boxes. Retail workers could suffer back injuries from being on their feet all day or slipping and falling. As long as the injury occurred in the scope of their job, compensation could be available.
Texas law allows employers to provide traditional workers’ compensation insurance or be non-subscribers.
Most states require employers to subscribe to workers’ compensation insurance plans. These insurance plans provide employees with benefits if they suffer an on-the-job injury or develop an illness due to their workplace duties. The state statutes set forth specific amounts that workers can collect.
Workers’ comp benefits are no-fault, meaning injured employers do not need to gather evidence proving their employer is responsible for causing their injury. In fact, most workers’ comp plans allow injured workers to collect benefits even if they caused their own injury at work. In addition, these benefits are exclusive, which means that in most cases, injured workers cannot simultaneously collect benefits and sue their employers for additional damages.
Texas allows most private sector employers to opt out of the usual workers’ compensation claim insurance plans and be non-subscribers. As non-subscribers, employers can develop their own standards which specify how much benefits an injured worker can collect. By being non-subscribers, employers can save on the high cost of paying for traditional workers’ comp plans. Non-subscribing employers have more flexibility, which allows them to make their injury and disability benefits more individualized and customized to fit their business.
As with traditional workers’ compensation benefits, non-subscribing employers still must protect their employees. Macy’s workers who suffer workplace injuries in Texas can usually still collect money for their medical expenses and lost wages up to the covered policy limits. If a family loses their loved one due to an on-the-job accident, they can often collect death benefits from the non-subscribing employer.
Unlike traditional plans, injured Macy’s workers in non-subscriber claims must prove that their employer bears at least some fault for the injury. However, an employee could still collect benefits even if a court determines the employer is only one percent at fault.
In non-subscriber claims, workers can also pursue non-economic damages that would not be available in traditional workers’ compensation plans. For instance, an injured employee could ask for compensation for their pain and suffering or mental anguish. Seasoned personal injury attorneys have experience helping injured workers navigate non-subscriber claims and getting them the restitution that they need.
If you suffered an injury at work, you need to make sure you are protected, but receiving benefits for Macy’s workers’ compensation claims in Houston can be complicated. Talk with a knowledgeable attorney to maximize your potential recovery when dealing with an employer like Macy’s that is a non-subscriber. Fill out a contact form and set up a consultation with a member of our team.
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