While many workplace injuries involve sudden, traumatic events, others are the result of months or years of repeated movements. Seemingly harmless movements of the arms, back, wrists, or neck can take their toll over time. This repetitive stress is especially common in situations where an employer failed to provide necessary wellness or safety equipment to prevent injuries.
You could have a viable civil lawsuit against your employer if they opt out of the State workers’ compensation system. With the help of a seasoned work injury attorney, you could recover your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses. Put your case in the hands of a Galveston repetitive motion injury lawyer.
Repetitive motion injuries are a form of cumulative trauma that wears down the body’s muscles, tendons, and ligaments over time. They involve motions that are not harmful initially but that cause damage after they repeated countless times. Usually, this involves overusing muscles that are not designed for heavy strain.
While these injuries do not involve a single traumatic event, the resulting health conditions can be devastating. They can happen in a variety of work settings, including office workers typing on keyboards that are not ergonomic, or factory workers performing repetitive movements to start or stop a machine. Some of the injuries that can result from this condition include the following:
With the help of a Galveston repetitive motion injury attorney, it could be possible to recover financial compensation based on any of these conditions.
Most states prohibit employees from suing the company they work for when they are hurt on the job. Instead, they are required to file a workers’ compensation claim which offers no-fault settlements but often pays less than a traditional injury lawsuit.
Texas also has a workers’ compensation system, but it is unique in allowing companies to opt out of this requirement. These businesses—which are known as non-subscribers—are required to resolve negligence claims on their own. Many large employers in the state have gone with this option.
A worker suffering from a repetitive motion injury could sue the employer if they are non-subscribers. This process is similar to any personal injury lawsuit and can results in a wide range of compensation. The stakes are high, which makes it crucial that they learn more about their legal options. Relying on a repetitive motion injury attorney in Galveston can reduce this risk of something going wrong.
The primary benefit of a non-subscriber claim over workers’ compensation benefits is that they cover a wider range of damages. This includes the full value of their lost wages as well as non-economic damages like pain and suffering. Some of the types of compensation that could be awarded include the following:
Living with a repetitive stress injury can be more than a painful inconvenience. These injuries can have a dramatic impact on your life and potentially interfere with your ability to earn a living. A Galveston repetitive motion injury lawyer could help you get the outcome you deserve, so reach out right away to talk about available compensation.
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