Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Galveston Falling Objects Injury Lawyer

Falling objects are a serious injury threat across most industries, from construction sites to retail stores. Being struck by a falling object can result in an array of physical harms, including traumatic brain damage, internal bleeding, or lacerations. When these accidents happen at work, it may be possible to pursue financial compensation for your injuries with the help of a compassionate work accident attorney.

Legal action could be possible even when your employer is at fault. Texas allows companies to opt out of the workers’ compensation system, leaving them vulnerable to negligence lawsuits from employees. Let a Galveston falling objects injury lawyer help you get the recovery you deserve.

How Falling Object Accidents Happen

The nature of a falling object accident depends in part on where it occurs. These incidents frequently happen at the workplace, but the risks vary from one industry to another. For example, construction workers constantly face the risk of being struck by a falling object. However, even office workers could suffer harm if they are struck by a box full of paper falling from a high shelf.

Other issues can involve catastrophic events like crane accidents or collapsing buildings. In any of these situations, it could be possible to recover a monetary award based on a person’s injuries.

Possible Defendants

A key step in the process of recovering compensation is identifying who was at fault. When a person’s negligence leads to a falling object injury, it is often possible to file a civil suit against them. This is even true in some cases for employers.

In Texas, a company that opts out of the workers’ compensation system is known as a non-subscriber. While they get the benefit of not having to pay insurance premiums, they are on the hook for potential negligence claims. An injured individual must show that the company or another employee was ultimately at fault for their injuries.

Third-party injury claims are always a possibility. This can include incidents caused by other individuals like customers, contractors, or vendors. The workers’ compensation system never shields these parties from liability, allowing a Galveston attorney to hold them accountable for falling objects through legal action.

The Statute of Limitations

Even the strongest case for compensation can be tripped up by the legal deadline known as the statute of limitations. This legal deadline can upend a case and prevent an injury victim from recovering the financial award they deserve.

The statute of limitations for falling object accidents expires two years from the date of the incident. This is true for non-subscriber claims and third-party personal injury lawsuits alike. Failing to comply with the deadline can have catastrophic consequences for a hurt worker, even when the facts are on their side.

The court will likely dismiss the case with prejudice, meaning that any future chance at recovering compensation is lost forever. A major benefit that comes with hiring a Galveston falling objects injury attorney is allowing them to deal with all important legal deadlines.

Speak With a Falling Objects Injury Attorney in Galveston Today

If you suffered injuries due to merchandise, supplies, or tools falling onto you from a height, now is a good time to review your legal options. You may be entitled to compensation, but only if you file your case on time. Let a Galveston falling objects injury lawyer review the facts and advise you how best to proceed. Call today to learn more.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
1908 Strand

Galveston, TX 77550
(409) 377-6970
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