Construction jobs are considered one of the most dangerous ways to earn a living. Injuries are common, and many of them can leave someone with a disability or long-term damage. You have the opportunity to pursue a lawsuit after being hurt on the job, and a skilled work injury attorney can help.
There are some common misconceptions about how the law does not allow injured workers to sue their employers, but that is not often the case in Texas. You might be entitled to seek damages against the company you work for and any other parties who are to blame. Let a Galveston construction accident lawyer help you every step of the way.
Unlike many other jurisdictions, Texas does not require all employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance for their employees. Those that opt out of this coverage (known as non-subscribers) can be targeted by legal action just like any other negligence case. If successful, the company could be on the hook for an array of damages.
Proving negligence is the key to success in these cases. There must be evidence that the company failed to take reasonable steps to protect the worker, resulting in their injury. A construction worker injury attorney in Galveston could help make the case that the business was negligent and owes compensation.
There are also third-party civil actions to consider. These lawsuits are available even when the company has purchased workers’ compensation coverage. A third-party claim involves someone other than an employer or co-worker, with a common example being an independent contractor at the job site who negligently injures someone. A plaintiff can pursue a lawsuit against that person regardless of whether workers’ compensation insurance has been purchased.
There are many different ways to get hurt at a construction site. Some are due to the natural dangers of an incomplete structure, while others are related to the tools and heavy machinery needed to build. A Galveston attorney could review each of the following types of construction accidents to determine if there is a viable case for compensation.
Falls are a common cause of injuries for construction workers. They can happen from a great height due to carelessness or faulty scaffolding. Many of these incidents occur on the group, where a worker trips over an unseen hazard or slips on a wet surface. Often, these accidents are avoidable with proper footwear and training.
This line of work involves the constant use of heavy machinery, equipment, and motor vehicles. When these machines are mobile, they represent the risk of serious injury. Following safety protocols is vital, given that the injuries that follow being struck by a large machine or vehicle can have deadly consequences.
Live wires are commonplace on work sites, and there is also the prospect of an electric shock from faulty equipment. These injuries can have devastating consequences, leading to painful burn injuries, and it is the employer’s role to reduce the risk of electrocution at work.
If you have been hurt on the job, you may be entitled to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. Your case is important, and a favorable outcome could provide you with the resources you need to cover your medical costs and regain your quality of life. Reach out to a Galveston construction accident lawyer right away to learn more. We offer free consultations.
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