Even today, workplace injuries are alarmingly common. Accidents are bound to occur occasionally in every type of workplace that can severely injure workers. If you experienced harm while working for Walmart, you might have a great deal of questions. A dedicated work injury attorney could help you search for answers and help you understand what legal options could be available to you. We might be able to secure the compensation you deserve in settlements in a Walmart work injury claim in Houston.
Walmart workers perform a wide range of jobs to keep the company functioning. Workers can suffer different types of accidents leading to injuries, depending on their particular job duties.
Store associates commonly suffer injuries from slip and fall accidents, such as when the floor is wet after being freshly mopped, when they slip on uncleared ice in a parking lot while gathering shopping carts, or when they trip on debris or objects in aisles. Associates can also get hurt when boxes or other objects fall from shelves from up above. Repetitive motion injuries can also occur in cashiers or other workers who must repeatedly perform the same motion with their hands, arms, or back.
Walmart employees who drive trucks carrying cargo from warehouses to stores can experience serious injuries in motor vehicle crashes. The accidents can occur because of a third-party driver error, improper loading of the cargo onto the truck, or improper maintenance of the truck, which could cause it to malfunction.
Walmart workers who lift heavy objects and boxes can experience serious injuries, such as lower back pain and muscle strain. Injuries can also happen when workers misuse forklifts or other heavy equipment; and cuts and lacerations can occur from box cutters or machinery mishaps.
A lawyer could investigate a Walmart workplace accident to determine if a settlement is possible.
When Walmart workers experience on-the-job injuries, they need to be aware of their legal options. Most states require employers to carry workers’ compensation insurance. However, Texas operates differently and does not require private employers to subscribe to the state plan. Instead, non-subscribers must provide their own reimbursement plan for injured or sick workers.
One of the major advantages of working for a non-subscriber employer, such as Walmart, is that injured employers are eligible to sue their employers in civil court. Injured Walmart workers can pursue settlements that give compensation for all of their losses resulting from their accident, such as the following:
A hardworking attorney could meet with an injured worker to learn about the effects the injuries have had on their life and then factor that into the settlement demand.
When you suffer an injury because of your job, you should not have to suffer financially. Schechter, Shaffer & Harris could fight to get you the compensation you deserve. We have successfully helped other workers receive fair settlements in a Walmart work injury claim in Houston.
Speak with our team in a free consultation to learn what we can do to help you and your family.
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