Many students obtain their first work experience at a grocery store, and it is flexible employment many people return to as adults. However, grocery stores can be surprisingly hazardous places to work.
You can take steps to avoid potential injuries working at Kroger in Houston, but management negligence is sometimes responsible for unsafe conditions. Even if you are not sure what caused the situation that harmed you, consulting an attorney after any work-related injury or health condition is a good idea.
When the employer in Texas does not subscribe to the state’s Workers’ Compensation insurance program—and Kroger is a non-subscriber—an injured employee could bring a lawsuit seeking compensation for their injuries. You could receive compensation for your pain, suffering, and any disability in addition to reimbursement of your lost wages and medical expenses.
Many Kroger employee injuries result from accidents. Grocery stores are full of falling hazards such as wet floors, spilled merchandise, carts or boxes in aisles, and even customers who do not leave clear space for a worker to pass. Workers whose jobs require them to be outside could fall on poorly marked curbs and wet or icy pavement.
Falling objects are a concern in a grocery store. Items can fall off high shelves in a Kroger warehouse or store and strike a worker. Grocery stores often have high ceilings, and ceiling-mounted lights or fans could fall and cause significant injuries.
Violence is another threat Kroger employees face. Irate customers, other workers, robbers, and others could cause harm to grocery workers in or outside the store. Careless drivers and drivers experiencing road rage might injure an employee in the parking lot.
Kroger employees could get hurt in many ways, and it is impossible to provide a comprehensive list of every possible harm a grocery worker might suffer. However, this environment is conducive to workers experiencing certain types of injuries. A Houston attorney could seek damages when a worker experiences any of the following injuries, among others:
Many injuries also have an impact on the worker’s mental health, producing symptoms of anxiety or depression.
Repetitive stress injuries are a risk in many grocery store jobs. Personnel in the stock department might lift heavy items over their head repeatedly every working day. Butchers and kitchen workers often develop painful and debilitating tendonitis in their hands and wrists. Cashiers are at risk for carpel tunnel syndrome and other conditions related to repeated scanning.
A worker could develop an occupational disease due to workplace exposure to chemicals in compressors, HVAC systems, cleaning products, and other sources. Workers in older stores might be exposed to asbestos in the building’s fireproofing or insulation. All workers are at risk of catching infectious diseases such as COVID.
The law protects employers that subscribe to the government-sponsored Workers’ Compensation program from lawsuits by injured workers in most cases. However, an injured employee has the right to sue an employer like Kroger that does not subscribe to the program. Even though Kroger offers private occupational injury benefits, an employee who can prove their injury was due to Kroger’s negligence could file a lawsuit seeking damages.
An injured worker must notify a supervisor of any work-related injury or condition as soon as possible and should seek immediate medical treatment. Consulting a seasoned Houston attorney should be the next step.
Grocery stores are hazardous places to work and the employer might not always do what it should to ensure a safe environment. Employees risk a variety of potential injuries working at Kroger in Houston.
A reliable personal injury lawyer could offer good advice, strong support, and aggressive representation to ensure Kroger provides the compensation you deserve for your injury. Schedule an appointment with us as soon as you can.
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