Everybody deserves the ability to earn a living free from the worry of workplace injuries. To reinforce this concept, most states require employers to purchase a form of workers’ compensation insurance that provides benefits after workplace injuries or illnesses. Unlike in other states, Texas allows Kroger and other employers to be non-subscribers to the state’s workers’ compensation program, which can ultimately save them on costs. At the same time, it also means that they may be directly liable for your losses.
You have the opportunity to hire a workplace injury attorney and file a claim against Kroger when their negligence was the cause of your injuries. This includes seeking out compensation for lost wages not available in ERISA claims, as well as demanding payments for your pain, suffering, and reductions in quality of life. Schechter, Shaffer & Harris is happy to work with you on your Kroger workers’ compensation claim in Houston.
Texas is unique in that it does not force businesses to have a workers’ compensation policy. While they certainly have the option to do so, many have calculated that it is far cheaper to be a non-subscriber. This means that they are entirely liable for any injuries that affect workers while on the job.
To mitigate this risk, employers like the grocery chain Kroger obtain ERISA protection plans. These function in much the same way as workers’ compensation insurance plans in that they provide benefits to injured workers in the form of medical care and partial wage reimbursement.
However, having an ERISA plan is not the same as having workers’ compensation insurance. One major difference is that ERISA plans do not provide shields against direct liability for a worker’s losses when an injury is the result of an employer’s negligence. The role of a Houston attorney in a Kroger workers’ compensation claim is to pursue lawsuits that demonstrate this negligence.
When employers like Kroger are non-subscribers to the state’s workers’ compensation program, they are taking a gamble in order to reduce operating costs. Being a non-subscriber means that Kroger is directly liable when their actions or inactions result in an employee getting hurt.
Kroger could be negligent in allowing an injury to occur in many ways. Failing to clear a spill on the floor could lead to an employee slipping and hitting their head. If they give poor training, especially as it related to safety equipment, the blame could fall on them in something bad happens.
The resulting personal injury lawsuits can demand compensation for the entirety of a worker’s losses not covered by an ERISA policy. This often includes payments for the remainder of lost wages and for emotional traumas connected to the incident. An employee must call a lawyer quickly to pursue Kroger workers’ compensation claims in Houston since they only have a two-year deadline to file it in court.
Every person who suffers an injury as a result of doing their job deserves to recover in peace knowing they will not take a financial hit from it. Kroger’s status as a non-subscriber to the state’s workers’ compensation insurance plan means that this may involve making a claim under an ERISA plan and pursuing a lawsuit against your employer or a third party.
Our legal team examines liability and negligence from the store and uses it to make a solid claim for damages under a civil lawsuit. Do not delay in getting help – call us as soon as you are able and set up a consultation.
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