While it might not seem like a particularly dangerous place to work, employees are at risk of suffering many potential injuries working at AutoZone in Houston. Sadly, some of those injuries are severe enough to interfere with people’s daily lives.
If you experienced an injury while working at AutoZone, you need to understand your legal rights and options. A trusted personal injury attorney could meet with you to discuss what happened and what steps you can take to protect your rights and obtain the compensation you need.
Workers at AutoZone perform many different types of jobs. Some people work on the sales floor as sales associates and cashiers, while others stock heavy cargo or freight in backrooms, or work in corporate offices. AutoZone also hires commercial drivers to transport their products to retail stores and other locations. Because of the varied types of jobs, different kinds of injuries can occur.
Workers who put excess force on their back due to continuously lifting heavy boxes, or who repeatedly bend over, are at risk of injuring their back. Back injuries, such as slipped or herniated discs, can result in debilitating pain and mobility impairment. Spinal cord injuries can also occur from AutoZone work duties.
Brain injuries can occur from falls from ladders or store shelves. They can also occur from falling on slippery floors, loose carpeting, or uneven walkways. If a worker is a commercial driver, they are at risk of suffering brain injuries in motor vehicle collisions, which can interfere with a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
AutoZone workers can break bones through their job duties. Most commonly, bone fractures occur from falls, but they can also occur when objects fall onto someone or in car crashes. Broken bones can cause intense pain, and while most bone breaks recover fully with rest and casting, some people require surgical intervention. Sadly, some people’s bones never fully heal, possibly resulting in lifelong pain and mobility impairments.
Although people would not think of AutoZone as a place where electrocution injuries can occur, workers could experience an electrical injury from something as simple as a broken light bulb, which could produce severe burns.
Different types of workers are at risk of suffering repetitive motion injuries. Some people suffer back injuries due to constantly bending down, while others experience hand injuries due to carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive use injuries can be very painful and interfere with someone’s ability to work.
In addition to experiencing physical injuries, many workers also experience emotional and financial struggles. A well-versed legal team might be able to help them recover damages in the non-subscriber system to cover their medical expenses, lost wages, lost benefits, rehabilitation expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses. The lawyers might also be able to help them recover damages to cover their intangible expenses, such as their emotional distress and pain and suffering.
Every year, people experience many different potential injuries working at AutoZone in Houston. Those injuries force them to miss work, resulting in mental stress, lost wages, and financial strain. If you experienced an on-the-job injury, work with Schechter, Shaffer & Harris so we can help you get financial compensation to cover your losses.
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