Despite numerous improvements in workplace safety that have occurred over the past few decades, some industries are still considerably more dangerous than others. Working at a construction site or an oil refinery can be incredibly rewarding work, but it can also be hazardous due to the risky nature of the professions.
If you or a family member suffered workplace injuries through working at a refinery, you could be facing a lengthy battle for your health. As you fight to recover, you should not have to think about the financial toll your injuries have had on your family. A Spring construction-refinery accident lawyer could consult with you to help you understand your legal options for recouping some monetary compensation for your losses.
Many different factors can contribute to an accident at an oil refinery or on a construction site, but almost all those factors have one thing in common, which is negligence. Many of these accidents could be avoided if plant supervisors, site owners, subcontractors, and anyone else in charge had acted responsibly. Plant supervisors and employers owe their workers a reasonably safe working environment.
Although the work is more dangerous than other types of work, such as office or retail work, oil refinery and construction workers still have the right to expect that their employers will do everything possible to minimize the risk of accidents occurring. Accidents frequently occur for the following reasons:
A skilled Spring attorney could painstakingly go through the facts of a construction and oil refinery accident to learn how it occurred, and identify who was negligent. With their years of experience, they understand details that other attorneys might miss.
Due to the fact that workers perform their job duties around toxic chemicals, heavy equipment, and from high elevations, serious injuries can occur. When refinery accidents happen, many workers experience life-altering injuries, such as the following:
A thorough legal team would take the time to meet with an injured construction worker to learn about the effect the injury has had on their life. In addition to learning about the physical toll of the accident, the legal team would discuss how the injury has affected the worker in other ways, such as whether they are able to participate in everyday activities or whether they are able to work. A trusted Spring lawyer could help an injured oil refinery worker pursue recovery for their medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment in life, and other losses from the parties responsible.
Sadly, some people die from their injuries. A compassionate attorney could help their surviving loved ones seek accountability in a wrongful death lawsuit.
As a construction or refinery worker, you regularly perform work that most other people cannot do. Although your job is more dangerous than other types of work, your employer and anyone else in charge of your workplace should do everything possible to make your working conditions as safe as possible.
If you experienced a personal injury, a Spring construction-refinery accident lawyer could help you fight to get you adequate compensation. Call to set up an initial meeting today.
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