Oil rig workers perform work that is essential for the economy, but working on an oil rig can be a very dangerous profession. People who work on offshore or mainland drilling rigs subject themselves to countless risks every day. They often work at high elevations in hazardous weather conditions, and the oil they work with can also easily catch fire or cause on explosion.
If you suffered harm on an oil rig, you should consider seeking legal advice from a Pasadena oil rig accident lawyer. Our professional maritime injury attorneys could help you through the stages of filing a legal claim against your employer.
People who work on oil rigs experience many different types of injuries that can negatively affect their physical and emotional well-being and impair their ability to earn a living.
Workers break bones in falls, particularly on slippery decks. They are also at risk of crushed bones from when machinery slips and falls onto their hands or feet. If machinery or instruments malfunction or fall onto someone, workers can experience severe injuries, such as severed fingers, toes, hands, or feet.
When machinery or heavy equipment falls on a worker or causes them to fall, they can suffer extensive damage to their internal organs.
Workers who trip on a slippery deck or from a high elevation on a platform can suffer concussions, brain bleeds, and other serious brain injuries. Serious falls can also lead to spinal damage, which can sometimes result in permanent paralysis.
Because oil is highly combustible, fires on oil rigs are always a serious risk. Workers can experience life-altering burns that can lead to debilitating and disfiguring scars. Long-term exposure to toxic chemicals can also cause respiratory problems and skin irritations.
Oil rig work can be hard on the body. Some workers perform very physical jobs that require them to bend and twist their bodies in the same types of motion repeatedly. These repetitive motions can cause chronic lower back and neck problems that can affect a worker’s ability to safely perform their job.
Sadly, some oil workers lose their lives due to drowning, falling, explosions, or other workplace injuries. Their surviving loved ones deserve a chance to pursue justice for their untimely loss by filing a wrongful death suit.
Pasadena attorneys understand how to help with all different types of oil rig injuries. They know what injured workers might need to aid in their recoveries.
Injured oil rig workers or their surviving family members can often bring lawsuits against the oil rig that employed the worker. The Jones Act grants injured seamen the right to file claims against their employer if the injured employee can prove their employer did not provide safe working conditions.
Some of the following situations are examples of unsafe working environments that could lead to worker harm:
A dedicated attorney could search for answers to determine why the accident happened and use that to press for compensation
The oil industry provides the livelihood for many Pasadena area workers. Unfortunately, serious accidents can interfere with an injured oil worker’s ability to return to work and earn an income. If you experienced harm because of your job, you might be eligible to collect compensation from your employer. Working with a Pasadena oil rig accident lawyer should make it easier to secure the compensation you need. Contact one of our personal injury attorneys today to discuss filing a claim.
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