Midland has a thriving community of cyclists that includes road and mountain bikers. Many families cycle together through the numerous local trails and parks, and children often use their bikes to get to school or explore their neighborhood.
Unfortunately, motorists are not as attentive to cyclists as they should be and accidents are not uncommon. In a motor vehicle versus cyclist collision, the cyclist is likely to suffer severe and sometimes permanent injuries. Bicycle accidents are sometimes fatal.
When you or your child are cycling and get into an accident with a motor vehicle, contact a Midland bicycle accident lawyer immediately. With skilled representation from a personal injury attorney, you can hold the motorist accountable and obtain compensation for your injuries.
Bicycle accident injuries are often severe, and even a low-speed collision with a vehicle can leave a cyclist with road rash, broken bones, and soft tissue injuries. Crashes at higher speeds can cause catastrophic injuries.
Cyclists can experience traumatic amputations when their hands, feet, or fingers get caught as they are propelled off their bikes by a collision. Severe and disabling soft tissue injuries to the shoulder, back, and neck are possible, while other cyclists suffer spinal cord damage that may cause paralysis.
Texas has no helmet requirements for cyclists, and even children can ride their bikes on the road without a helmet. Riders in collisions with motor vehicles may suffer severe head injuries including fractured skulls and traumatic brain injuries. Damage to or loss of an eye, and other disfiguring facial injuries, are possible.
Drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles cautiously to avoid injuries to others using the road. Although sometimes a cyclist’s conduct contributes to an accident, most collisions are the fault of the motorist.
Motorists often drive while distracted with their phone, food or drink, or observing their children in the back seat. Many drivers do not see a cyclist in their field of vision because they are focused on the other cars and trucks around them. Drivers often speed or operate their vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
A Midland attorney could investigate a bicycle crash to determine what happened and who was responsible, reviewing the witness statements, the injured cyclist’s recollections, police report, and photos from the accident scene. In many cases, video evidence is available from a vehicle’s onboard camera, doorbell or surveillance cameras in the area, or a rider’s bike-mounted camera. When another party’s lack of reasonable care contributed to the accident, that party owes compensation to the injured cyclist.
Drivers are often responsible for bike crashes, but others may also have responsibility. When a faulty product such as a car’s steering or a bicyclist’s brakes contributes to the rider’s injuries, the manufacturer may be liable.
Road conditions often contribute to bicycle accidents. When poor road design, unclear markings, or shoddy maintenance are a factor in a crash, the local government might be liable to an injured cyclist. It is crucial to speak with a Midland attorney as soon as possible after a bicycle accident, because state and local governments require a written notice of claim within a few months of an injury.
When a cyclist’s conduct contributed to the accident, they can collect compensation from other negligent parties if the other parties were primarily responsible for the crash. Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §33.001 bars an injured person from claiming compensation if they were more than 50 percent responsible for the incident that caused the injury.
Many cycling accidents are someone else’s fault. If you or your child was hurt in a bike accident, the parties responsible for causing it owe you compensation for your losses. Speak with a Midland bicycle accident lawyer about your legal options in recovering for the harm you experienced. Get started today with a free consultation.
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