A spinal cord injury has enormous consequences on the person who suffers the injury, and their family. The physical, emotional, and financial impacts can be debilitating.
A League City spinal cord injury lawyer can pursue legal action to hold the people responsible for the injury accountable. More than that, a catastrophic injury attorney can assist you and your family in managing the financial impact, ensure you get the care you need, and manage communication with insurance companies, allowing you and your loved ones the time and space you need to adapt.
The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that extend from the base of the skull to the base of the spine. These nerves handle communication between the brain and the rest of the body. When the cord is damaged, the electrical impulses that carry messages cannot cross the damaged area, and the body below the injury is affected.
When only a few nerve fibers are affected, the injured person may experience weakness and tingling in the body below the injury. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, an injured person can make a full recovery when they experience only partial cord damage.
A person in League City, TX with a severe cord injury or severed spinal cord may have reduced or no sensation below the area of the damage. In many cases, they are paralyzed and may suffer secondary health impacts like spasticity, pain, problems regulating blood pressure, and pressure ulcers. When the injury is high up on the cord, the person’s breathing can be affected and they are more susceptible to pneumonia and heart problems.
Spinal cord injuries almost always result from accidents. Vehicle accidents are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries in children and young adults, and falls are the most common cause in older adults. Sports injuries and violence are the other leading causes. These events are often the result of negligence, which means a failure to use reasonable care to prevent harm to others.
A League City attorney will investigate the circumstances of a spinal cord accident to determine whose conduct contributed to it. Identifying multiple parties increases the pool of insurance coverage available to provide a reasonable settlement for the injured person.
When multiple parties have responsibility for an injury, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 33.003 requires each to contribute to an injured person’s damages in proportion to their degree of fault. An injured person whose conduct contributed to their injuries may collect damages from other negligent parties if they themselves were not primarily responsible for the accident.
When someone suffers a catastrophic injury, it is common for the insurers of other involved parties to approach them soon after with a settlement offer. These offers are always far less than the claim is worth, and an injured person or their family should refuse to speak with the insurer’s representative and refer them to their personal injury attorney.
A lawyer in League City will handle communication with all insurance companies and other responsible parties related to the spinal cord accident. They can arrange a medical lien with healthcare providers to ensure the family is not plagued with overwhelming bills. They will engage any investigators or experts necessary to obtain proof of other parties’ liability for the accident.
Negotiations for an appropriate compensation package often begin immediately. The injured person is entitled to receive reimbursement of their out-of-pocket expenses, including medical and rehabilitative care, lost wages, incidental expenses, services to the household they can no longer perform, and future expenses. They are also entitled to compensation for their physical pain, disability, lost ability to enjoy life, disfigurement, and mental distress.
A spinal cord injury often has life-changing consequences. Even when the injury is relatively minor and you regain full functioning, the rehabilitation process is long and arduous.
The people, government agencies, and companies whose conduct contributed to your injury must be financially accountable. A League City spinal cord injury lawyer is skilled at negotiating favorable settlements for people with serious injuries. Get in touch to review your case with a skilled attorney today.
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