In today’s world, people have the benefit of many technological and medicinal advances to treat their illnesses and keep them healthy. When they get sick, they can use medication to make them feel better. But what happens when those medicines cause them harm instead? You might have grounds for a personal injury claim for damages.
If you believe taking a certain drug harmed you or your loved one, call us and learn how a Hitchcock dangerous drugs lawyer could help you pursue a civil suit.
The drug industry is very lucrative. Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits every year from selling their drugs to consumers and hospitals. However, sometimes, pharmaceutical companies make careless or reckless business decisions in order to protect their bottom-line profit margins. Although the federal government requires drug manufacturers to thoroughly test their proposed new medicines before releasing them to consumers, drug companies might make mistakes during the testing phase, or they might try to circumvent the testing process in order to release their medication more quickly.
Getting their drug on the market quicker helps companies make a profit faster. Some drug problems occur when manufacturers only observe a small subset of people to test the medicine’s efficacy and safety, while others occur when companies fail to study a drug’s effects for a long enough period. Some pharmaceutical manufacturers try to downplay the dangerous side effects of a proposed new medication and fail to report negative results of their tests.
The federal government continues to monitor medication after it has been released to the public. However, waiting for a drug to be recalled can be a lengthy process during which a consumer could continue to dangerous negative side effects. If someone believes a drug has made them sicker, they should speak with their physician immediately to learn how to safely wean themselves off the drug as quickly as possible. They should also meet with a Hitchcock attorney to learn about pursuing a civil claim for the defective drug.
Regardless of why the drug manufacturing error occurred, negligent and reckless drug companies need to be held responsible. A dedicated legal team for product liability claims could help an injured patient fight for compensation that could cover their medical costs and other losses.
Patients can sometimes suffer adverse side effects from drugs even if the medication is generally safe for most people. Some people have allergies to certain drugs, or they take other medicines that can negatively counteract with a new drug. Doctors who prescribe patients new medicines need to be aware of their patient’s medical history and background, and ensure that they prescribe the correct dosages to their patients. For instance, a safe amount of a drug for an adult could prove fatal if given to an infant.
Pharmacists who fill drug prescriptions also need to be aware of other drugs a patient is taking. They need to carefully fill prescriptions, ensuring they give the right dosages and drugs to each patient.
A skilled attorney in Hitchcock could investigate to see where a pharmaceutical error occurred and who should be named on a potential lawsuit.
Medicine is supposed to make you better, not cause you harm. If you suspect you or your loved one became sicker after taking a new medication, there might be legal liability somewhere along the line of commerce. Contact a Hitchcock dangerous drugs lawyer to talk about your legal options. A trusted legal team could fight relentlessly to get you fair compensation for the serious harm you have experienced.
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