Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Cypress Maritime Injury Lawyer

The Texas Gulf Coast is known for its booming maritime industry, from commercial fishing to oil drilling enterprises. These companies play a vital role in the economy, but their employees face serious and unique risks related to their safety.

If you have been hurt on the job, a Cypress maritime injury lawyer might be able to help. There are different options under state and federal law to seek compensation for your injuries, and the right legal team could help you explore all of them. Reach out to a dedicated work accident attorney to learn more.

Common Types of Maritime Injuries

Maritime workers constantly face hazardous risks in the workplace. Injuries are common, especially when weather conditions are extreme. They can experience traumatic injuries caused by falling objects, heavy machinery accidents, or falling on deck.

Workers might also develop severe, long-term illnesses due to exposure to hazardous chemicals. Some of the most common examples of maritime injuries include the following:

  • Crushed hands or feet
  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Back injuries
  • Hypothermia
  • Chronic illness
  • Traumatic brain injuries

These incidents can range from relatively minor to potentially fatal. Fortunately, injured workers can file a personal injury claim. Similarly, a person could file a wrongful death claim on behalf of a deceased loved one. A maritime injury lawyer in Cypress could help pursue justice after a work-related incident.

Available Options for Pursuing Compensation

In most industries, work-related injuries are covered by workers’ compensation benefits. However, this is not the case for maritime workers. Instead, they are covered by a patchwork of federal laws. The specific option available depends on the circumstances. Thankfully, a Cypress maritime injury attorney could help decide the right approach.

The Jones Act

The Jones Act offers a path to compensation for maritime workers who spend at least 30 percent of their hours on board a vessel. It allows these employees to file a lawsuit against their company if negligence results in injury.

Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act

Better known as the LHWCA, this federal law provides options for compensation for those injured in shipyards rather than on a vessel. Unlike the Jones Act, this system is closer to a workers’ compensation claim in that it directly pays benefits to the injured worker.

Third-Party Claims

Not every injury that occurs at sea is due to employer negligence. Often, maritime workers are injured by unrelated third parties on the job. This can happen when two vessels collide, and the other party is at fault. Another potential example is a defect that leads to a dangerous accident on board.

In these scenarios, the Jones Act or the LHWCA does not cover the at-fault parties. An injured worker may have the right to file a lawsuit against the negligent party in state court through a traditional negligence claim. A Cypress lawyer could provide more information on the appropriate legal path for their client’s maritime injury case.

Get in Touch With a Cypress Maritime Injury Attorney Right Away

You have the chance to seek justice following a maritime accident, even if you are unsure of your rights. An experienced legal professional could review the circumstances of your injury and help you understand what compensation might be available.

Reach out to a Cypress maritime injury lawyer today. Our team of compassionate personal injury attorneys could help with your case.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
17844 Mound Road
Suite B

Cypress, TX 77433
(346) 537-2934
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