Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Cypress Work Accident Lawyer

Even with continuous improvements in workplace safety, workers cannot be sure that they will come home safely at the end of each workday. Sadly, even today, accidents at work are among the leading causes of injuries for many people.

If you or your loved one experienced severe harm from doing your job, you are probably feeling confused and overwhelmed. Because of your injuries and mounting medical bills, you might even be in financial debt. Fortunately, a Cypress work accident lawyer might be able to guide you and your family to the right legal solution, which could help access the financial means to help you recover. Since many employers in Texas do not offer workers’ compensation, this claim would take the form of a personal injury.

Work Accidents Involving Non-Subscriber Employers

Unlike most states, Texas does not require employers to provide standard workers’ compensation insurance to its workers. Instead, it allows private employers to choose to be non-subscribers to the statewide workers’ compensation program. As non-subscribers, these employers need to provide an alternative method of reimbursing injured or sick workers who experience harm while at work or because of their workplace duties. However, if they fail to provide sufficient benefits to the injured worker under their company plan, the worker has the right to sue their employer in civil court for financial damages.

To prevail in a lawsuit against their employer, the injured employee would need to prove the employer contributed to their workplace injury in some way. For instance, a worker could show that the unsafe working conditions provided by the company caused them to slip and fall. Alternatively, a worker could show that they misused a piece of machinery, leading to their injury, because the employer failed to provide adequate training for employees.

A dedicated legal team could investigate the workplace accident and search for proof of the employer’s negligence.

Work Accidents Involving Maritime Injuries in Cypress

Many people in the region work at sea or near the shore. Maritime work can be dangerous and common types of workplace maritime accidents include:

  • Falls on a ship or dock
  • Falls into the water
  • Forklift, crane, or other heavy machinery accidents
  • Fires and other burns
  • Electrical accidents

Just like workers on land, maritime workers have the right to receive compensation for on-the-job injuries. Depending on the type of work they perform and where they primarily operate, maritime workers could be eligible for different types of avenues to pursue compensation.

If they worked as seaman on a ship and could prove their employer was somehow negligent, they could pursue compensation through the Jones Act. If they worked as dock or port workers, they would need to seek recourse under the federal Longshore or Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act.

Workplace accident lawyers in Cypress examine the facts and determine the best method of legal recourse for any situation.

Work Accidents Involving Construction-Refineries

Many people in Texas earn their living by working at construction-refineries. Oil work is almost a way of life. Although it can be lucrative, it is among the most dangerous lines of work and can result in devastating injuries and even accidental deaths. Among other injuries, construction and refinery workers are at risk of experiencing crush injuries, brain injuries, burns, amputations, respiratory ailments, and internal organ trauma.

A dedicated Cypress lawyer could help an injured worker pursue a claim against their employer if the employer does not offer workers’ compensation. They could also look to alternative sources of legal recovery, such as third-party lawsuits against any contractors, site owners, or product manufacturers.

Call a Cypress Work Accident Attorney to Seek Financial Justice

If you or a loved one experienced an injury because of your job duties, you deserve to hold someone accountable. However, recovering compensation is not always simple. Depending on the type of job you perform and who your employer is, you might have different avenues of legal recourse available to you.

If workers’ comp is not an option, call a Cypress work accident lawyer today to get started on your legal recovery.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
17844 Mound Road
Suite B

Cypress, TX 77433
(346) 537-2934
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