Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Cypress Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer

Even with all the advancements that have been made in medical science and doctors’ understanding of the human body, the innermost workings of the brain are still a mystery. Unfortunately, this means that when an accident caused by negligence leads to someone suffering a severe blow to the head, the resulting brain trauma can have effects that are debilitating, long-lasting, and possibly irreversible even with the best medical care.

You will need to hire a skilled catastrophic injury attorney and file suit over a traumatic brain injury (TBI) if you want to secure fair civil compensation and minimize the long-term harm caused by a permanent injury. This can be difficult, especially when you are dealing with brain trauma, so should consult a Cypress traumatic brain injury lawyer to achieve the best possible outcome.

Identifying Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Damage

Because of how harmful traumatic brain injuries can be and how quickly they can go from seemingly mild to life-threatening, it is always important to get professional medical attention as quickly as possible. That said, it is also important to be aware of the following symptoms and to go to an emergency room quickly if they manifest, since they all may be signs of a potentially severe and deadly brain injury:

  • Loss of consciousness for several minutes or more
  • Seizures or other uncontrollable body movements
  • Persistent or worsening nausea, vomiting, and/or headaches
  • Clear fluid draining from the nose or ears
  • Uneven pupil dilation
  • Numbness or weakness in extremities
  • Dramatic mood swings and/or changes in personality
  • Severe difficulty speaking, concentrating, and/or coordinating body movements

There will be many expenses related to medical care needed to minimize the damage done by a TBI in the short term and to increase functionality in the long term. A skilled Cypress TBI attorney can also help seek restitution for various other economic and non-economic losses, including lost work income, physical pain, and mental anguish.

Holding the Right People Accountable for Losses

Legal counsel can also help identify and build a strong civil case against everyone who played a role in causing or allowing a TBI to occur. Sometimes, this is a fairly straightforward process of identifying the other person involved in an accident—for example, the other driver in a traffic collision—and establishing that the accident likely would not have happened without that person committing a negligent act.

However, in many situations there are multiple people who played a role in causing or worsening a TBI who can all be held individually or collectively liable for ensuing damages. Likewise, if someone causes a TBI by acting negligently on the job, a lawyer in Cypress may be able to help hold that person’s employer vicariously liable for their employee’s misconduct. That could allow for more compensation than a lawsuit solely against the individual employee would.

Contact a Cypress Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney Today

It is always important to get checked out by a licensed doctor after being in a traumatic accident, even if you feel fine in the immediate aftermath. When it comes to severe brain trauma, though, a delay of even a few hours in getting proper treatment can have disastrous repercussions. You can enforce your right to civil recovery from the person at fault for injuring you.

With that in mind, if you suspect you suffered a TBI in an accident you were not to blame for, your number-one priority should be seeking emergency medical help. Your second priority should be contacting a qualified Cypress traumatic brain injury lawyer. Call today to set up a free, private meeting.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
17844 Mound Road
Suite B

Cypress, TX 77433
(346) 537-2934
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