Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Cypress Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Unlike most other parts of the body, the spinal cord—a “cord” of nerves running from the brain all the way down the spine and connecting the brain to the rest of the central nervous system—cannot heal from external trauma on its own. Unfortunately, this means that even with immediate intervention from qualified medical professionals, people who suffer significant damage to their spine often end up experiencing widespread and irreversible paralysis.

Needless to say, civil compensation alone cannot completely make up for all the negative effects of this injury, but demanding fair restitution with a skilled catastrophic injury attorney can maximize your quality of life despite your injury. If you have suffered this trauma recently because of another person’s reckless or careless actions, contact a Cypress spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as you can.

How Negligence Can Lead to Spinal Cord Trauma

Auto accidents are by far the most common cause of traumatic spinal cord damage and of personal injuries in general in the Lone Star State. But everything from a slip and fall to an intentional assault can lead to an injury of this nature. What all those scenarios have in common, in a legal sense, is the fact that they all typically qualify as grounds for a civil lawsuit based around negligence. They all typically stem from a specific reckless, careless, and/or illegal act by someone else.

This is important to emphasize because the severity of an injury has no bearing on whether the injured person can demand civil compensation for the effects of that injury. No matter what, the injured person must prove someone else was directly at fault for their injury in order to successfully sue over it. Building a strong, evidence-supported case with this in mind is one of many things a skilled Cypress spinal cord injury attorney can provide.

Recovering Fairly for Different Types of Spinal Cord Damage

Legal counsel can also play a central role in identifying, determining a fair financial value for, and demanding restitution for every economic and non-economic loss that a spinal cord injury will result in. Most claims will include damages like short-term and long-term medical expenses, short-term loss of work income during recovery, and physical pain and suffering. Other damages may vary depending on what kind of injury has occurred.

For example, someone who becomes a paraplegic due to a lower spinal cord injury has certainly suffered life-altering harm, but if they worked mainly behind a desk prior to getting hurt, their injury would not necessarily harm their ability to earn a living in a future. On the other hand, a manual laborer who suffers any kind of paralysis might also suffer a permanent loss of working and earning capacity because of that injury. A seasoned spinal cord injury lawyer in Cypress can help factor that loss into an ensuing lawsuit or settlement demand.

Contact a Cypress Spinal Cord Injury Attorney for Help

No one deserves to suffer any kind of permanent injury solely due to another person’s misconduct, and certainly not one which leaves them permanently unable to move on their own. However, if you have been harmed in this way, taking advantage of your rights under Texas civil law could be essential to protecting your best interests now, and well into the future.

You have support available from a compassionate Cypress spinal cord injury lawyer with any legal action you wish to pursue. Call today for a consultation.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
17844 Mound Road
Suite B

Cypress, TX 77433
(346) 537-2934
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