If you or a family member work on the sea, you understand it is difficult and your work could put you in dangerous situations. However, you should also know you have the right to expect employers and others in charge of the worksites to provide reasonably safe working conditions.
If you experienced an injury along the shoreline, you may be eligible to collect compensation under federal maritime law with the support of a seasoned maritime injury attorney. A Spring Longshore Harbor and Workers’ Compensation Act lawyer could help you understand your legal options and rights.
The Longshore Harbor and Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) is a federal statute that aims to protect certain maritime workers when they sustain injuries or illnesses related to their job duties. Unlike traditional workers’ compensation plans, the United States federal government directly handles LHWCA claims through its district offices.
The LHWCA provides offshore workers or their surviving family members with monetary protection in cases of occupational illnesses, injuries, disabilities, or death. The LHWCA covers acute injuries from accidents, job duties, or unsafe work conditions. The act also covers occupational illnesses that offshore workers develop due to their employment, such as lung disorders caused by inhaling toxic substances. If a maritime worker develops a chronic condition, such as carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive use or a ruptured disc from repetitive heavy lifting, they may be eligible for compensation under the LHWCA. A maritime worker could also receive restitution if pre-existing medical conditions worsened because of their job duties.
An injured maritime worker must adhere to precise procedural requirements to receive compensation. For instance, they must give proper written notice to their employer and the appropriate governmental agency. It is critical to work with a Spring attorney who is familiar with the LHWCA and knows how to secure the compensation injured workers need and deserve.
The United States government offers maritime workers different means of recovering compensation for their workplace injuries. Under the Jones Act, workers who are crew members of vessels and spend most of their time at sea are eligible to seek compensation. The LHWCA provides coverage for people who work on navigable waterways in the United States but do not work primarily at sea. Workers covered under the LHWCA typically work on or near docks, or in roles involving loading, maintaining, or constructing vessels. Some of the covered workers include:
The LHWCA covers injured maritime workers and assists the surviving family members of workers who have died due to their work-related injuries or illnesses.
If an injured maritime worker is unsure whether they can file a claim under the LHWCA, they should consult a knowledgeable Spring LHWCA lawyer who could offer them valuable advice.
Like all other workers, longshoremen and other harbor workers deserve to work under the safest possible conditions. If your employer provided you with dangerous working conditions that led to injuries or illnesses, you deserve the chance to obtain compensation under federal law.
Talk to a Spring Longshore Harbor and Workers’ Compensation Act who could fight for your right to fair compensation.
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