Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Rear-End Car Accidents in Pasadena

Most drivers do not expect to be hit by another car, especially if they drive carefully. However, no driver can control the decisions of the other motorists around them and might not be able to prevent an accident.

Rear-end car accidents in Pasadena can cause injuries and significant medical costs for the person getting hit. If injured, you should consider hiring a car accident injury attorney in order to make a claim for compensation.

Causes Leading to a Rear-End Accident and Injuries

Rear-end accidents can easily come from a driver’s actions behind the wheel. A driver might be distracted or impaired and unable to stop in time before hitting another vehicle.

Distractions such as texting and interior car displays can take a driver’s eyes off the road, even if only for a second. Fatigue, drugs, and alcohol can also stop a driver from reacting to hazards, or even cause them to swerve into another lane or fail to see another car changing lanes.

Whatever the cause of a particular crash, resulting injuries can affect a victim’s body and livelihood. Traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord damage can come from the back-to-front impact and transfer of force to the body, while other injuries, such as cuts, bruises, and broken bones, can result from a strike from behind and from a victim’s body jolting inside their own vehicle.

The exact cause of an accident and the resulting injuries will vary based on the circumstances, but medical care and property damage can take a chunk out of a victim’s resources, alongside less-material injury. A Pasadena attorney could help a person make their claim for compensation after a rear-end accident.

Pursuing Legal Compensation After Getting Hit from Behind

Of course, any victim should seek medical attention as a first step right after an accident, whether from paramedics at the scene or at a hospital shortly afterwards. Only once they are safe should a person think about getting legal advice.

A claim based on an accident typically comes from negligence, which holds people responsible for when their actions cause injuries to another. A plaintiff must prepare evidence of certain elements for a negligence claim, including duty of care, breach of that duty, causation, and damages (such as medical costs, damage to a vehicle, lost income, and pain and suffering, among others).

Although attention must be paid to proving these elements by providing evidence, there are other rules that can affect a compensation claim as well. For example, a claim must be brought within a statute of limitations, which is only two years under Texas Code § 16.003. If a person waits too long, they could lose their legal right to compensation.

Another rule to consider is that of negligence on the part of a plaintiff, which can reduce or eliminate compensation. Fault for an accident can be placed on any party, and their recovery can be reduced (proportionally, for a victim partly at fault) or eliminated completely (if a victim is found more than 50 percent responsible).

An attorney could help individuals in the Pasadena area with their claims based on rear-end accidents, by identifying all evidence and filing the claim on time.

Meet with a Pasadena, TX Lawyer to Discuss Your Rear-End Car Accident Claim

Rather than dealing with car crash injuries and a potential legal claim alone, you can rely on a lawyer for assistance. A legal claim for compensation can offset the costs of your injuries and can provide a sense of justice that another person was held accountable.

Claims based on rear-end car accidents in Pasadena can benefit from the careful attention of a personal injury attorney. Call our offices for a case consultation today.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
3222 Burke
Rd #211

Pasadena, TX 77504
(832) 345-1327
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