Catastrophic injuries have the potential to alter the course of the rest of your life. These health issues can make it difficult or impossible to work, require you to seek out assistance with simple daily tasks, and prevent you from doing the things you once enjoyed. The financial cost moving forward can be enormous.
When you were hurt due to another person’s negligence, they could be on the hook for your damages. With the help of a dedicated personal injury attorney, you could secure financial compensation for the hardships you suffered and will continue to experience. Instead of resolving your case on your own, you could maximize your recovery with the help of a Missouri City catastrophic injury lawyer.
There are many ways for the human body to endure harm. On one end of the spectrum are minor burns or cuts that will heal on their own. These medical issues typically do not require a doctor, much less lead to a civil suit.
Other serious injuries are considered catastrophic. These wounds are severe, leaving both permanent and substantial consequences for both the injured party and their loved ones. Some of the types of catastrophic injuries that a Missouri City attorney could assist with include the following.
One of the most common examples are traumatic brain injuries, any damage to the brain is a serious matter that can cause lasting health issues. Among these conditions are concussions, which involve damage to the brain caused by a traumatic jolt or impact. Concussions can lead to a range of unusual symptoms including sleep disruption, chronic pain, and personality changes.
These wounds come in degrees of severity, from minor sunburns to life-threatening injuries. The most serious category—4th degree burns—destroy every layer of skin in addition to damaging the tissue and bone underneath. Burns can result from car accidents, workplace incidents, defective products, or any other situation involving a fire, faulty wiring, or something extremely hot.
Damage to the spinal cord can lead to paralysis. Losing the ability to feel or control parts of the body can lead to lifelong difficulties with working, raising children, or even accomplishing daily tasks like bathing. When the spinal cord is severed, the parts of the body below the point of injury are paralyzed—often forever.
Financial damages could be available with the help of a Missouri City catastrophic injury attorney. While a lawyer can never guarantee a certain outcome in these cases, they could provide a clear picture on the categories of compensation that might be available.
Medical expenses often make up a large portion of catastrophic injury settlements. This includes not only the costs immediately following the incident, but a victim’s long-term needs as well, including vehicle or housing adjustments, as well as future medical needs. For many people, these expenses will only continue to accrue for the rest of their lives. Some other types of losses that could be covered through a civil suit include:
An attorney could review all the facts of the case before advising on the categories of damages that might be available.
If you are living with a life-changing injury through no fault of your own, now is a good time to seek out legal counsel from Schechter, Shaffer & Harris. An attorney could help you evaluate your case from top to bottom and pursue what you are owed.
You do not have to navigate these challenges on your own. Call a Missouri City catastrophic injury lawyer today to learn more.
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