Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


League City Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Whether you need emergency treatment in a hospital, a regular checkup from your family doctor, or any other assistance from a medical professional, you should be able to trust that every provider will act reasonably, responsibly, and in accordance with their level of professional skill. Texas state law also assumes that doctors will generally act in their patients’ best interests, to the point that medical professionals are given some unique leeway when being held civilly liable for reckless or careless errors.

This does not mean that it is impossible to successfully sue your doctor if they caused you harm through their negligent treatment of you. But it does mean you will have slim chances of success if you try to sue without a skilled personal injury attorney’s support. Fortunately, the assistance you need is available from a League City medical malpractice lawyer with experience pursuing and winning cases much like yours.

When Is It Possible to Sue a Doctor for Malpractice?

It is much harder to sue a doctor for negligence than it is to sue, for example, a motor vehicle operator for causing a car crash. That is because legal negligence is defined differently for doctors than it is for other people. Rather than a broad “duty of care” to act responsibly which applies equally to everyone, medical professionals are expected to meet a “standard of care” with all their patients based on what another equally qualified physician would have done in the same situation.

Because of this, it is not enough to show that a specific error by a specific doctor directly led to their patient suffering preventable physical harm. As a League City medical negligence attorney can further explain, that patient would also need to establish that the doctor’s mistake was so egregious or irresponsible that no other competent doctor with the same skills, experience, and working condition would have made it.

Unique Requirements for Malpractice Lawsuits

Furthermore, courts will not just take a patient’s word for it that their doctor failed to meet the “standard of care” owned to them. Instead, state law requires prospective malpractice plaintiffs to serve on each defendant in their claim an “expert report.” This report must include a statement under oath from at least one qualified medical expert affirming their belief that the plaintiff has valid grounds to sue for malpractice based on the criteria mentioned above.

On top of that, even if someone does have standing to sue over malpractice-related injuries, they are capped by Texas law from demanding more than $250,000 per defendant and $500,000 per case as restitution for non-economic damages like physical pain and psychological distress. These are just two of the many procedural requirements and roadblocks that a dependable lawyer can help navigate around during a medical malpractice lawsuit in League City.

Contact a League City Medical Malpractice Attorney for Help

Misconduct by healthcare professionals while treating patients can cause extremely serious and even life-threatening harm to those patients. Unfortunately, it can also be extremely difficult to hold negligent doctors legally accountable for the harm they have caused, especially if you try to fight for recovery alone.

Representation from a knowledgeable League City medical malpractice lawyer will dramatically improve your chances of getting the favorable result you want from your claim. Call today to learn more.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
22 E Main St #B5,

League City, TX 77573
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