Here’s yet another compilation of dangerous highways that will hold no surprises for Texas motor vehicle accident lawyers. This time, the Daily Beast has compiled a list of the deadliest highways for summertime travel, and both Texas and California feature at the top of the list with six highways each.
The study took into consideration fatal accidents and fatalities on highways across the country during the summer months of June, July and August, and spanning across a five year period from 2004 to 2008. The four interstates in Texas that are the deadliest for summertime travelers are I-35, I-45, I-30, I-10, I-20, and I-44.
It’s not exactly the most scientific study ever conducted, and researchers have compared a number of highways of varying lengths for the purpose of the study. You might assume that Texas’ size and large population contribute to these high numbers of fatalities on select highways. However, when you look at the other states on the list, there are other big-sized states like Wisconsin that don’t have even a single highway featured on the list.
If nothing else, this study should help remind Texans that summer is here, and the highways will be filled with more numbers of vacationers and travelers. This summer, drive with this thought in mind – just about everyone else on the highway is headed to a an exotic beach holiday, and couldn’t be bothered with keeping to speed limits, or switching off cell phones.
You can’t control other people’s behavior, but you can prepare for how their behavior might affect you. Always wear your seat belt while driving, and make sure that all the occupants of your car are also wearing their seatbelts. Texas now has laws requiring all occupants of a vehicle to buckle up. It goes without saying – never drive intoxicated.
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