The poor economy is causing more and more American drivers to postpone essential maintenance and repairs of their automobiles. This information, which comes from a survey by Consumer Reports, is alarming to Houston car accident lawyers, because lack of automotive maintenance and repairs increases the risks of an accident.
The poll by Consumer Reports involved a total of about 1700 subscribers. According to the survey, 40% of respondents said that they were postponing maintenance and repairs of their vehicle. 22% of those surveyed said that financial troubles would likely lead them to delay repair or maintenance work on their automobiles.
From the findings of the survey, it does not appear to Texas car accident attorneys that these people are really aware of how an improperly maintained vehicle could increase the risks of accident. About 9% of those surveyed felt that delaying important work on their automobiles was a safety risk. Only 17% believed that they could be at risk of an accident on a long trip in their vehicle when they went without adequate maintenance or repairs.
Motorists and passengers in a car may be at risk when the car is not functioning to its optimum. Malfunctioning brakes, steering trouble, and other signs of neglect can increase the risks of an accident. According to Consumer Reports, delaying important maintenance and repair work on your automobile is not only unsafe, but can actually cause more financial strain, because minor problems tend to worsen, leading ultimately to a massive repair bill.
The poor economy has had all kinds of consequences for American motorists. However, it is disconcerting to note that there are more numbers of cars on our streets that are now in various stages of despair.
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