Forget about driving on wet roads in winter. It’s actually the days of summer that see the largest number of serious accidents involving motorists in Texas. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the single deadliest day of the year is the Fourth of July holiday.
The biggest reason for that is the fact that there are large numbers of travelers during this holiday. This year, the numbers of people hitting the roads is expected to spike compared to last year. According to the American Automobile Association, an approximate 39 million people are expected to travel over the holiday weekend. Most of these travelers are on their way to celebrate the country’s Independence Day with friends and families. Consequently, fireworks and barbecues — not safety — is foremost on their minds.
Besides New Year’s Eve, the Fourth of July is the most alcohol-heavy holiday of the year. When you combine thousands of motorists on a single highway, many of them driving under the influence of alcohol, you understand the high potential for drunk driving accidents.
There’s little you can do to control how motorists around you behave, and so, Houston car accident lawyers would advise defensive driving. Try and avoid driving at night if you can, or take less traveled routes. Increase your chances of surviving an accident. Buckle up, and don’t drink and drive. Switch off your cell phones, and pay 100% attention to the road and motorists around you.
Every year, thousands of people suffer fireworks-related injuries on this holiday. Take great care with fireworks. Keep children away from them, never light fireworks on dry grass, and never introduce alcohol into a private fireworks event.
If you’re celebrating within city limits, then most firecrackers are out of bounds for you under Texas laws. However if you’re celebrating in the country, the kind of fireworks you light can be more varied. If you’re not sure what kind of fireworks you can light on private property, it’s always best to confirm with your local police department.
The Houston accident attorneys at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers wish you and your family a safe and happy Fourth of July!
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