Two teen brothers, Devon Ramey, age 16 and Dakota Ramey, age 15, were being treated Wednesday at a Fort Worth hospital after a wreck Monday evening that killed two other youths and a young adult near Decatur. A 1998 Dodge Stratus driven by Michael James Santos, 20 veered from the highway and crashed into a tractor-trailer parked at a rest stop.
The car slid beneath the back end of the 2010 International with so much force the car’s top was torn off, instantly killing Santos and two girls in the car, Brittney Nichole Robare Porter, 15, of Rhome, and Terry Williams, 16, possibly of Abilene.
The teenage Ramey brothers are listed in serious condition Wednesday at John Peter Smith Hospital after suffering serious head injuries.
The tractor-trailer driver, Joseph Lloyd of El Paso, was not hurt.
The wreck is still under investigation, and at least one media outlet has reported that speed was a factor.
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