Crew boats are vital elements of the offshore maritime industry. These vessels, ranging in size from 30 to 200 feet long, are used to ferry personnel and equipment to oil rigs, jackup rigs, and oil platforms as far as 200 miles offshore.
The offshore injury lawyers at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers note that there are many dangers that come with the trips these vessels take. Accidents can happen in transit or while transferring people and items to or from the ships.
Here are the most common crew boat accidents that occur.
There are several types of accidents can cause injuries during a crew boat’s trip to or from an offshore destination. These include:
Seamen who are injured while working on a crew boat, or offshore workers who are injured en route to their destination, should contact one of our offshore injury lawyers for assistance.
There are specific rules that are in place to protect seamen and offshore workers during a transfer of crew. Whether the transfer is being completed with a basket, gangway, surfer or ladder, injuries can easily occur when these rules are not adhered to.
Injuries often happen when:
The offshore injury lawyers at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P. have helped many clients who were hurt on crewboats, including an offshore worker who was injured in the Gulf of Mexico. Our client was dispatched to a pipeline in the Gulf, and the crew basket twisted during a transfer in rough seas. We achieved a $525,000 recovery on behalf of the injured worker.
If you were hurt on a crew boat or in any type of maritime or offshore accident, contact Schechter, Shaffer & Harris today for a free consultation.
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