The manufacturer of the blowout preventer which failed causing the massive Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico has been cleared by a judge of all remaining claims. Cameron International has been named as a defendant in the trial that is looking at claims of negligence by BP and several other related companies in the tragedy.
Eleven workers were killed when the oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, and dozens of workers were seriously injured. The case is being tried by US District Court Judge Carl Barbier, and he recently made the decision to dismiss all the remaining claims against Cameron International.
Earlier too, Cameron had been given a reprieve by the judge, and the judge had ruled out any punitive damages against Cameron. According to the judge who made that ruling last month, he had no reason to believe that gross negligence by the company had caused the tragedy. However, the judge has now taken it one step further, and has dismissed all claims against Cameron International, saying that there is no evidence he has to indicate that negligence by the Houston-based manufacturer of the blowout preventer, contributed to the deadly accident.
At the time of the explosion, the Deepwater Horizon was operated by BP and owned by Transocean. The pressure is now once again on these companies in the trial.
It’s no secret that offshore oil rig workers have some of the most dangerous jobs on the planet. The risk of oil rig fires and explosions is ever present, and these workers are also exposed to the routine hazards that face maritime workers like fall accidents, accidents and injuries involving offshore machinery, and injuries caused by falling or flying debris.
The offshore injury lawyers at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers represent persons injured in offshore oil rig and platform accidents in the Gulf of Mexico.
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