Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Beaumont Construction-Refinery Accident Lawyer

As the top crude oil and natural gas-producing state in the nation, Texas is home to many workers in a famously dangerous industry. Unfortunately, this means Texas is also home to many families suffering from the impact of serious injuries and deaths caused by refinery accidents. Although refinery workers are aware of the dangers associated with the job, they trust the companies they work for to prioritize their safety. When refineries fail to uphold their responsibilities, catastrophic accidents occur, injuring and killing hard-working employees. If you have been injured this way, a Beaumont construction-refinery accident lawyer from Schechter, Shaffer, & Harris can help. Our team can work with you to file a work accident claim so you can get the benefits and compensation you need to recover from your injuries.

Understanding the Severity of Industrial Injuries

Construction and oil refinery accidents are some of the most common and severe accidents affecting employees in Beaumont. Catastrophic and fatal refinery accidents are typically caused by incidents like explosions, fires, equipment failure, and chemical exposure. The injuries from these types of accidents are usually severe, requiring months or years of medical care for recovery. Unfortunately, permanent injuries and loss of life are also common in construction and oil refinery accidents.

After an accident that injures or kills workers, oil companies immediately get to work to keep the incident as quiet as possible. This often means offering a settlement to injured workers or the families of deceased workers. Once the settlement is signed, injured individuals or grieving families will have no means to pursue additional compensation. Sadly, early settlement offers rarely cover the cost of medical care for injured workers and leave no room for legal recourse if the patient must seek long-term medical care. This could lead to thousands of dollars in medical debt for innocent victims.

To avoid unfair settlements, injured parties should seek assistance from a Beaumont accident lawyer as soon as possible after a refinery accident occurs.

What Damages Can Be Recovered After a Construction-Refinery Accident?

After a workplace accident, those affected should be able to focus on their health and recovery instead of worrying about mounting medical debt and fighting for the compensation they deserve. Victims who have sustained injuries due to inadequate or defective equipment, or negligent behavior, have the right to financial compensation for their injuries and losses. Damages that can be recovered after a construction refinery accident may include the following.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Compensation for lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death

Damage claims and compensation depend on the specific details of each accident and the medical needs of injured individuals.

Contact a Beaumont Refinery Accident Attorney for Assistance

If you or a loved one has been hurt or killed during a refinery or construction accident in Beaumont, you need an advocate with the knowledge and experience to fight against oil industry giants. Oil companies have practically unlimited resources and teams of lawyers working to undermine the severity of injuries that occur in the industry.

Our personal injury law firm is dedicated to holding these companies responsible for their actions and poor safety protocols that lead to severe worker injuries and deaths each year. If you’ve been affected by a refinery accident, contact a Beaumont construction-refinery accident lawyer to learn your legal options and pursue compensation for your injuries. Our attorneys have the experience to get you the justice you deserve.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
1110 Calder Ave #132,

Beaumont, TX 77701
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