Amazing firm with a great legal team! I know one of the case managers personally and Nisa will make sure you have a great experience!


Jonathan Harris and his team are the best! They are extremely professional, hardworking and got incredible results... Highly recommend!


Beaumont Burn Injury Lawyer

Burn injuries can happen in a variety of ways. From medical mistakes involving radiation, to thermal burns in a car accident, these wounds can dramatically impact your health and quality of life for years to come. If you were injured in this way through no fault of your own, a Beaumont burn injury lawyer may be able to help.

The right legal counsel could investigate the cause of your injuries, determine the value of your case, and help you secure the best available outcome whether it is a negotiated settlement or a trial verdict. Talk to a local catastrophic injury attorney right away to learn more.

Why Burn Injuries are Serious

Not all burns are the same. Medical professionals categorize these injuries by degrees, with fourth-degree burns representing the most severe injuries. On the other end of the spectrum are first-degree burns which generally heal on their own without the need for medical treatment.

Serious burns can damage skin and cause extensive scarring or disfigurement. This damage also increases a person’s risk of developing a skin infection in the future. Additionally, some cases can lead to damage to muscle, bone, and nerves beneath the skin, which often require extensive ongoing medical care.

Compensation for Burn Injuries

An attorney in Beaumont, TX could pursue a variety of damages in a burn injury case. Some of the most common examples include the following:

Scarring and Disfigurement

Burns are known for causing permanent scarring, which can serve as the basis for financial compensation. The impact that disfigurement has on a person is subjective, but securing an award is still possible with the help of skilled personal injury attorney.

Medical Bills

Severe burns require months or even years of treatment, and the cost of this care can be overwhelming. When negligence is to blame for a burn injury, there may damages available to recoup this expense.

Lost Wages

Many people are unable to work as they recover from a severe burn. Both past and future wages could be included in a settlement or trial verdict in some cases.

The Statute of Limitations

When a person is hurt due to another individual’s negligence, they have the right to pursue legal action. This right does not last forever due to something known as the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for personal injuries in Texas is two years. The two-year time limit begins to expire on the day the event happens.

There are serious consequences that come with missing this deadline. If a plaintiff files their lawsuit after time expires, the judge may have no choice to dismiss the case with prejudice. This outcome can cost you the chance to recover a monetary award no matter how strong the facts are.

Some rare exceptions provide plaintiffs with more time to file their suit, but these are often not an option. The best way to protect a claim is by ensuring a lawsuit is settled or filed before the deadline. A Beaumont burn injury attorney can ensure every legal deadline is met.

Speak With a Beaumont Burn Injury Attorney Today

If you are living with the scars of a severe burn due to another person’s carelessness, you could have a strong case for compensation. Working with a Beaumont burn injury lawyer can provide you with the opportunity to secure the monetary award you deserve. Reach out to us immediately to discuss your options.

SMS Legal

SMS Legal N/a
1110 Calder Ave #132,

Beaumont, TX 77701
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