With the federal government authorizing the FDA to fast-track medications to treat the coronavirus, the safety of authorizing the use of medications by consumers is a major concern. All medications must go through testing to ensure they are effective and safe before they can be released.
After they are released, the FDA and pharmaceutical companies must continue to monitor the drugs for any potential problems that testing did not uncover. If any problems do develop that pose a safety risk, then the FDA could issue a drug recall of the medication.
A recall of medications occurs when the manufacturer voluntarily issues the recall with help from the FDA or the FDA decides to pull it from the market.
A medication recall can occur for a number of reasons, which could include:
1. Drug recalls due to side effects. Sometimes the side effects being reported are more severe or life-threatening than previously disclosed from drug testing.
2. The drug was contaminated during the manufacturing processes. Sometimes contaminates can get into drugs during manufacturing processes.
3. The drug is defective. Defects refer to problems relating to the quality of the medication, as well as its effectiveness for treating the illness it was designed to do.
4. The drug is mispackaged. Sometimes, the wrong drugs can end up in the wrong packages. For instance, a decongestant is packaged as a pain reliever.
5. There are dosing problems. Medications can be recalled when the dosing instructions or method of dosing is problematic and not clear.
6. The drug contains other ingredients that later pose health concerns. Drugs are a mixture of various ingredients. In some cases, these other ingredients could later be identified as increasing risks for various illnesses, diseases, and conditions.
The FDA will issue one of three classes when there is a drug recall. Class I is the most dangerous. Class II means the drug has certain health issues and slight risks of more serious issues. Class III means there isn’t necessarily any health issues, but some other reason for the drug recall like mispackaging.
Once a recall is issued, pharmacies, your doctor, and news and media outlets will announce the recall to make the public aware. You can review medication recalls on the FDA website. You can also call a drug recall lawyer to find out about recalled medications.
Stop using it immediately. Check with the FDA website for the class of recall and other useful information. Contact your doctor to find out about alternative medications. Check the manufacturer’s website to find out how to get a refund.
You will also want to safely dispose of any recalled medications. Most pharmacies will accept recalled drugs and take care of disposing of them safely.
You should contact drug recall lawyers if you or a loved one has experienced an adverse reaction or serious reaction, including death, from a medication. Even if the drug has not formally been recalled by the FDA or the manufacturer, you could still have certain legal rights and grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit.
You should also consult with a personal injury attorney when there is a class-action lawsuit, to ensure your interests are protected and that you receive fair compensation. To schedule a free telephone, video, or office consultation with one of our drug recall attorneys in Houston, please feel free to contact Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers!
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