The body of a shrimper, who disappeared after a maritime accident in Cocodrie, Louisiana has now been found . The accident occurred last week when a 25-foot shrimp boat collided with a aluminum hull vessel.
According to authorities, the accident occurred near the Houma Navigation Canal and Bayou Little Caillou. A seventy-three man on the shrimp boat had gone missing after the accident. Authorities have now confirmed that his body has been recovered. Commercial fishing and scrimping are some of the most dangerous occupations, and some the most lucrative for people along the Gulf Coast. The Gulf of Mexico has some of the most fertile fishing and shrimping grounds in the country. Unfortunately, these waters can be the scene of deadly accidents that can leave workers with serious injuries.
Many of the injuries that occur on shrimping and fishing vessels involve the use of dangerous machinery and equipment used for processing of fish. Additionally, decks may be covered with slime, water and fish gurry, creating an unsafe working environment complete with the risk of fall accidents. A fall accident can leave a maritime worker with head injuries, spinal cord injuries and fractures – all injuries that can require extensive hospitalization.
Workers on a shrimp boat or a commercial fishing vessel may qualify as seamen under the Jones Act. The Act requires that a worker be assigned to a vessel, in navigation, and contribute to the mission of the vessel in order to qualify as a seaman. A worker who qualifies under these criteria may be eligible to file an injury lawsuit alleging negligence against the employer. In case the injury has been caused because of unsafe conditions on a vessel, the worker may also be eligible to file an unseaworthiness claim against the vessel owner.
The maritime attorneys at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers represent workers injured in commercial fishing vessel accidents across Texas and nationwide.
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