New technology being recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board would take auto safety to the next level, by enabling vehicles to talk to each other. The National Transportation Safety Board is recommending that the federal administration develop standards for “connected” technology that enables vehicles to communicate with each other and transit important information that can help prevent an accident.
According to the Board, the technology has great potential to help save lives and prevent injuries in preventable crashes. The National Transportation Safety Board’s recommendation is contained in its report investigating two fatal school bus accidents last year. Both of these accidents involved trucks, and both of them occurred near intersections.
The National Transportation Safety Board recommends that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration develop standards for what it calls connected vehicle technology. The system is based on wireless technology, and uses Wi-Fi components to transmit electronic data signals between cars. The data can then be converted into a hazard or accident risk warning for motorists. Data can also be transmitted between vehicles and infrastructure, like traffic lights.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration last year began testing as many as 3,000 vehicles with connected vehicle technology. The current tests are focusing on how the system performs in enhancing safety at intersections, and preventing accidents that involve vehicles stopped at intersections.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also admits that vehicle connected vehicle technology has the potential to be what it calls a “game changer”-helping save more lives every year. However, the technology would be fairly useless in preventing accidents caused by alcohol-impaired drivers.
The Houston vehicle accident attorneys at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers represent persons injured in car accidents across Texas.
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