In Texas, there are about 15,000 accidents and 100 people killed in roadway work zones every year. March 23 kicks off Work Zone Awareness Week, a great time to review safety precautions that drivers should take when navigating construction and maintenance zones.
The Texas car accident attorneys at Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., Accident & Injury Lawyers help both workers and drivers who were injured as a result of work zone accidents caused by another person’s negligent behavior.
To help drivers, passengers and road workers stay safe, we offer some safe driving tips:
- Don’t speed: Always stick to the posted work zone speed limits, as speeding is one of the leading causes of accidents. Not only do the slower speeds help you and workers stay safe, but you avoid the financial risks as well. Traffic fines double when you are driving in work zones.
- Don’t drink and drive: Of the 134 work zone fatalities in Texas in 2012, more than 71 percent were related to intoxicated or distracted driving, or a combination of these. Drinking or doing drugs should never be mixed with driving, but it can be particularly deadly in work zones.
- Stay vigilant: Workers and work equipment are often in close proximity to passing vehicles throughout a work zone. Keep your attention focused on driving, avoid distractions such as talking on cell phones, playing with the radio, eating, etc.
- Plan for delays: Driving through construction and maintenance areas can mean delays. It can be frustrating, but stay calm and be patient in your driving. Leaving a few minutes early when you’ll be travelling through a work zone is a good idea.
If you or a loved one were injured in a work zone accident, contact our Texas car accident attorneys today to find out what your legal options are.