When you are behind the wheel of a vehicle, every action you take has potential consequences that could lead to a serious car accident and personal injuries if you become distracted. If you cause injuries to another driver because you were distracted, you could find yourself being sued by their car accident injury lawyer. You could even face criminal charges if the person dies as a result of your negligence.
There are three types of distractions that can occur while driving:
Distractions can be a combination of one or more of the above. For instance, playing Pokémon Go, texting, or putting on makeup while driving are considered all three types of distractions. Talking on the phone is considered both a manual and cognitive distraction.
Based upon various studies and research, the dangers should be taken seriously.
Unfortunately, even with this information, people still drive while distracted. Due to their actions, an average of 400,000 people are injured annually. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, you have legal rights you need to protect. Call us today for a free case evaluation and consultation.
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